If you know me, you will know I love shoes!
I also have far too many pairs and I probably don’t really need any more but I can’t seem to help myself.
Being the clothes horse that I am, I have two ‘shoe wardrobes’.
I don’t literally have two wardrobes though. I have shoes that I wear for blogging photos which are usually much too high to be practical for day to day wear.

Just for Modelling!
Whilst they look good and work great in photographs, that is pretty much all they are good for.
I then have my daily shoes; comfortable, supportive shoes with a heel of around 2 – 3 inches only. These I wear for work, events out and general life.

Practical AND Perfect
Over the previous few years I have bought a variety of vintage style shoes from Miss L Fire, Rocket Originals, Johnsons, Joe Browns and Ruby Shoos.
The best thing about these shoe brands is that they have sensible styles, decent chunky heels or wedges and are exceedingly comfortable.
I have also previously mentioned the fact that I struggle with wearing clashing/complimenting colours, even though I know how amazing it can look, I just get pretty twitchy at the thought!
However, I recently had a delivery of two dresses; the golden era dress from Michelin Pitt’s Vixen range. I ordered the same dress in two different colours as I simply couldn’t decide between the deep teal and the gold options.
I had deliberated for around 9 months on whether to order the dress as I didn’t even know if it would fit me.
But the longer I looked at it, the more I desired it.
Eventually Vixen did a huge discount deal and I decided I had waited long enough for the dress and I would give it a go.
Due to the fact that the discount was so good, I then decided that I didn’t need to make a decision on which colour, I loved them both and would order them both!
When they arrived, I was blown away by the colours and also went into panic mode about what colours I would wear with them, given that they were very strong, yet unusual colours within my wardrobe.
The thought of a completely mustard outfit didn’t work fully for me, but what colour should I pair with it?
It was then that I saw a fabulous pair of Joe Brown shoes which I thought would go really well with it. They were brown, rust and mustard/gold which made me totally rethink what colours I really could put with it!
Anyway, I digress!
Sitting at home a few days ago, I got an email from Collectif about their Summer Sale. Included were a whole range of Lulu Hun shoes.
It was then that I came across these two beautiful pairs which would satisfy my ‘matching’ need AND a pair that would compliment/clash.
This means I could be happy whichever option I decided to wear.
So, the first pair was a great match and also had the perfect vintage style to them.
The Lulu Hun Lily shoe is a wedge sandal with a perforated design at the front. Featuring quite a wide ankle strap, the design takes its lead from shoes originally designed in the 1940’s.
Both Rocket Originals and Johnsons offer similar designs (and I am sure there are possibly others too) but it happened to be the Lulu Hun shoes that I spotted first.
The fact that they were half price from £45.00 to £22.50 was an even bigger bonus, especially when the aforementioned companies are around the £80 – £120 mark per pair.
The mustard/gold was a lovely, simple, strong colour and I knew that if I decided to go with a complimenting colour, such as the brown, then these would look lovely with my orange, yellow and red Tiki dress.
Winner Winner!
The second pair of shoes was an identical design, the Lily Wedge, this time in a brown snakeskin colour. The Joe Browns shoes had really given me the idea of pairing the mustard with brown and I already own bangles, earrings, bags and hats.
All I needed was the shoes!
Again these have the same wedge heel and perforated front section, which I absolutely loved.
The tobacco brown snakeskin effect is lovely and again at half price, these are a total bargain.
I have ordered them both is a size 5 which hopefully will be a perfect fit. The brown will go with several of my vintage dresses if I decide to not wear them with the mustard outfit.
The fact they are half price really is a bonus, however at £45 a pair they are still an excellent price.
There are also several other styles of wedge sandals in the sale and I very well may try some of those whilst half price, but for now I will stick with these two colours and see how many outfits I can pair them with.
Oh… and of course there is the Teal golden era dress to accessorise yet. Watch this space to see just what I come up with!
Till next time,
SPSG xxx