Today, one of the lovely blogging ladies, Sophie from busylittlefee made a suggestion on looking back over this past year, and choosing other ladies, whose style, clothing, attitude or something else about them makes them look good.
Looking good is a relative thing, it certainly doesn’t have to be about how stunning your facial features are, or how many designer clothes you can drape on your back.
In many cases, its about HOW you wear your clothes, your attitude and your confidence! And this is what I love about this “campaign”
There is always a good time to tell someone they look great. It may well be the only time they get a compliment all day. It may be that they are going through a rough time, and those words could make a real difference to them. I actively do this to people in the street.
If I see someone who looks fabulous, I tell them. I have had it happen to me many times since changing my style, and it makes you feel lovely. It also feels wonderful to tell someone else that you like their look/style too.
What is strange however, is that I haven’t done this amongst the Blogging/PS community very much. I mean, I like pictures on Instagram and Facebook, I do make comments on both platforms. But I have never done a blog post about people who I admire, or who’s style “grabs” me.
Not all of these ladies are Plus Size, or even bloggers. But every single one of them deserves to be on this list.
So, what better time to give a compliment, as the year is coming to an end. It is also hopefully a little boost to all these women who inspire me, and many others.
Thank you ladies, keep doing what you are doing, you are ALL amazing!
Also, if you want to join in, choose your favourite people who inspire you, and post on Instagram and Facebook with the #lookinggood2015.




And the final photo goes to the amazing Ewa Michalak, who has transformed my life, and my cleavage!