So, the Lovely Daisy of I will not wrap myself in smocks and apologies offered me the opportunity to go and see a live performance of the Rocky Horror Picture Show in Birmingham with her. Well… as a long time lover of the show, I certainly couldn’t even comprehend missing out on it.
Knowing that my daughter, Little Chick loves the film and had never seen a live performance, I had to see if she wanted to dress up and tag along too. She couldn’t say yes quick enough!
Now, as many of you know, it is part and parcel of the experience to dress up, take props and join in. Well it sounded like a good idea to me.
I knew I had a couple of items that I could use towards my costume, but needed to get a few more bits, so off internet shopping I went.
I was lucky enough to find a company on Ebay that was advertising plus size net tutu’s with attached feather boas. Of course, I had to order one!
Two days later it arrived, and I could’t wait to try the outfit on and see what it would look like all put together. To be honest, the net skirt was quite short at the front, but with my corset, stockings and heels on it really looks a treat.
Little Chick opted to go with the character “Magenta” in a french maids outfit, and heels. I have to say, we both looked FAB-U-LOUS
I had booked a lovely room in the Holiday Inn, just around the corner from the New Alexandra Theatre, as due to the nature of the performance, and the style of dress, we didn’t want to travel back late at night in our scanties, so opted to stay overnight.
So on Monday afternoon, we got ourselves on a train to Birmingham, with the intention of doing a little shopping and having some food before checking into the Holiday Inn.
We popped into Primark and Selfridges and managed to spend a few pounds in there on various bits and pieces, before stopping to have something to eat before arriving at our hotel.
Little Chick chose Cafe Rouge for us to have lunch in, and I couldn’t resist my absolute favourite, a Croque Madame. I also indulged in an aperitif , a Madame Rouge, a combination of Gin, Lemon, Gomme Syrup and Mint. Very sharp and refreshing, and I thoroughly enjoyed my lunch.
Now, most of you know that I have given up alcohol (for the most part) however, on the odd occasion I indulge in the odd drink, and this was indeed a special occasion.
We had arranged to meet up with Daisy and her partner at our hotel, and they arrived about an hour early, and we chatted away about the performance to come, whilst putting on the finishing touches to our makeup and costumes, before setting off together to the Theatre.
Walking the two minutes along the road, we bumped into many Magenta’s, Columbia’s, Frank n furter’s and Riff Raff’s. There was even a very realistic Eddie, complete with custom leather jacket and a deep bleeding laceration across his/her forehead.
We got our souvenir brochures, sweets and drinks and headed up to the Grand Circle to watch the performance. The comedian Steve Punt was the Narrator, and he was hilarious!
As with most Rocky Horror performances, audience participation is expected AND welcomed, and we all got very much into the swing of things. The band was amazing, and the actors really were out of this world.
Little Chick was in her element. She was dancing and singing along, and thoroughly loving every minute.
The performers all took to the stage at the end to perform an encore of “The Timewarp” and “Sweet Transvestite” which blew the roof off the theatre. Everyone was on their feet, singing, clapping and dancing. An amazing sight indeed.
I am sad to say the performance ended far to soon, and it was time for us to say goodbye to Daisy and her partner, and retire to our Hotel.
Being that both of us were still buzzing from the whole adventure, we decided to be really daring, and treat ourselves to a burger and chips, whilst watching some TV in our room. Totally Rock and Roll!
The whole adventure was such good fun, and I am sure it won’t be the last time that I, or even Little Chick go to another performance of this amazing iconic show.
After all….. “It’s just a jump to the left…..”