This February I was lucky enough to be invited to LondonEdge, A huge trade show that took place in Olympia. The show encompasses Vintage and Alternative companies and showcases their products. I had an amazing time and was introduced to a few companies that I wasn’t aware of, including the amazing Dolly and Dotty! If you would like to see what took place, you can read it here.
I then received a lovely email offering me a VIP ticket to the Autumn show which was taking place between the 4th – 6th September. I really had the most fantastic time in February, and being eager to see the new collections, happily accepted the offer and started planning my visit.
Now, a visit to an event is no fun on your own so I arranged to meet up with my blogging babe, Boo from Does my blog make me look fat? Now for the event to start.
Getting on the train at 9 o’clock I was suprised to find another blogger friend, Kerry of Ruby Thunder was in the same train carriage as me! She was also going to LondonEdge. Bonus!
As Boo was getting into London a little later than us, we decided to go and get something to eat first – The Parcel Yard in King’s Cross was a perfect place to sit down for awhile. They had my favourite on the menu, Eggs Benedict, which we both ordered.

Eggs Benedict at The Parcel Yard, Kings Cross
Whilst we sat there people watching, I realised I had forgotten to do my eyebrows that morning! Nightmare. Luckily I got Kerry to do them for me. Queue lots of hilarity as Kerry felt the pressure to get them matching and perfect. We did give a few people a giggle though.
Eventually Boo arrived and we went to catch the tube to Angel. Coming out of King’s Cross, three plus size ladies dressed to the nines, we heard an “excuse me”
Turning around there was a lady standing there who said “are you Tanya?” I timidly replied yes, to which she threw herself at me!
The lovely lady was called Sarah and went on to tell me she follows me on all social media, and I was a real inspiration to her! Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather! She asked if she could give me a big hug, and if she could get a photograph too. I felt like a total celebrity!

The lovely Sarah x
We made our way over to Islington and checked into the VIP desk. We got a lovely goody bag and then it was time to hit the stands.
Walking into the hall the first stall I saw was the Woody Ellen Handbag stall. Now, for my regular readers you might remember a post I did about a bag I purchased (see post here) and here she was, in real life. Now it was my turn to fangirl as I couldn’t believe that I was about to meet the artist herself. I was literally vibrating with excitement!

Woody Ellen @ London Edge
We had a lovely chat with her about the new designs and the new lines including Diaries and some beautiful overnight bags. Woody and Maarten were fantastic and I fell in love with even more of her designs. She very kindly gifted us with a coin purse in a design of our choice. I was literally bowled over.

Woody and the blogging babes
Whilst standing there we noticed the amazing Pin Up Academy. Having seen the marvellous makeovers they had performed at LondonEdge in February, we wanted to go and see what was on offer today. The glamorous and gorgeous October Divine took charge of my hair and gave me a fabulous poodle up-do with the biggest highest fringe I have ever had. I was so chuffed with the end results.
I then took part in a mini photo-shoot on their 50’s set complete with vintage phone and furniture. It was good fun, and I can’t wait to see the final images.

Pin Up Academy Photoshoot
Whilst having the shoot Kerry and Boo got their hair done and looked beautiful! Now we could hit the rest of the event, looking our best.
One of the first people I saw was the gorgeous Rachel from Vintage Life Magazine. She was doing some life filming for the magazine and took a bit of footage of me having my photo-shoot. Afterwards I went to the press area for pictures and selfies with her, as per normal.

Rachel Evans from Vintage Life Magazine
Wandering along to Voodoo Vixen we were keen to see what the new season would have for us plus size beauties. To be honest there were some lovely offerings, some old favourites and some new patterns. Sadly there were at least half a dozen new lines that were stunning…. but weren’t being offered in plus sizes. Chatting to the lovely Voodoo Vixen rep she was totally on board with what we were saying, and was herself campaigning for the range to go across the board up to a 4XL.
I can honestly say there were 2 dresses and some high waisted trousers that I would have paid cold hard cash for there and then, if offered in my size. These were the Lola, a green tartan dress with a removable faux fur collar, and the Olive, a stunning long evening dress in an olive/chartreuse colour. I am hoping that in the future this will be something they decide to do.

The rail of broken dreams… all too small!
Moving on to Dolly and Dotty where it was a totally different story. Every dress, skirt and jacket they offer comes in every size from 6 to 24. There were some lovely new lines. Double lapels, full skirts, button down shirt dresses and some new capes too. I fell in love with pretty much most of it. Watch this space for a new wishlist in the not too near future!
I made a mental list of the ones that really called to me. I have my new cream hat and bag that I felt went with a couple of the dresses, and also there was a beautiful cream cape which would compliment so many of the dresses I already have. Katie was lovely to talk to, as always and was a mine of information about all the new lines,
Watch this space for a new wishlist in the not too near future!
We popped along to Banned – I wanted to check out their shoes and bags. Well, what a bad idea! I will probably have to remortgage my house in the near future as I wanted one of every design!
We sat down to watch one of the catwalks which was very high energy and featured a wide range of clothes, from vintage style to very alternative. It was good fun to watch and it gave our tired feet a rest too!
Lola Ramona had another stall there and it was full of the most amazing shoes and matching bags again. I had at least seven pairs that I would love to own, even though I couldn’t walk in majority of them.
As time was ticking on we decided it was time to go for coffee and cake upstairs. Whilst on the way up we passed a new stand, koolieskreations who makes made to measure items including mermaid leggings, harnesses and also boudoir style gowns. I fell in love with the most amazing black lace gown trimmed with marabou feathers. It literally screamed Hollywood scene siren to me. We had a fabulous chat with the designer and owner, Koolie and hopefully in the near future I might be able to order something special.
The afternoon was winding up, so we decided to go and get something to eat before Boo and I caught our respective trains home. We went to GBK for burgers, and they were so good!
I went for The Stack – A beef burger with grilled chorizo, red Leicester cheese, house onion ring, smoked chilli mayo, rocket, pickled onions and house relish. This was served with sweet potato fries. And it was absolutely fantastic.

GBK Stack
Kerry was staying overnight in London so this was out turn to say goodbye. Boo and I returned to St Pancras where we spent about 45 minutes in the Betjeman Arms, a regular haunt. I was introduced to Rhubarb Gin and Ginger Ale and I have to say, it was the most refreshing and great tasting drink I have had in a long while. In fact, I could become quite the fan.

Rhubarb Gin and Ginger Ale
Eventually I got my weary self on the first class carriage and tried not to snooze on the way home. Luckily I was getting a lift home from the station so didn’t need to worry about my gin intake.
Overall it was an amazing day and I think that I preferred the venue to Olympia, where it was held in February. It was much more practical, and a great space for the stalls that were there.

Poodles and Posing
Hopeful come spring it will be held here again, I for one was a real fan of the location.
Did you go to LondonEdge? What did you think?
Till next time,