Perusing a few people on Facebook last week, I came across this post from a friend, the lovely Kelly of Jelly with the Belly advertising a new lipstick from L’oreal.

The lipstick that started it all off…..
Now, I am not one who does a lot of make-up reviews. Just as I am not someone who buys a great deal of make-up, especially items with a high price tag.
But I saw this and fell in love.
I obviously needed to know where I could get this specific item of beauty and found out that it was part of a larger range being released to celebrate the new live action film of “Beauty and the Beast”

Disney’s Live Action version – 2017
Well, that just made me love it even more!
Beauty and the Beast is my favourite animated Disney film. I have laughed, cried and sang along to every second of it. I could probably recite the whole script, I literally have seen it that many times.
I was even lucky enough to see the Disney Stage show three times. Once in Southampton and twice in the West End. And it was truly magical.
And then there was this lipstick. I immediately started hunting online for it and eventually was told that it was a limited release and only available via Amazon Italy.
Of course I went straight there to see what they had.
My heart was immediately broken when I saw the “Rose” lipstick was already sold out! There were six other lipsticks to choose from, and each lipstick had a complimenting shade of nail varnish.
What was I to do? The one I really wanted had all gone, and there were another 13 products I could choose from. I couldn’t really buy them all, could I?
Each lipstick was priced at €9.99 and the nail varnish at €6.99. That made a grand total of €108.87 without postage. For a start I really couldn’t afford all that, and I really just wanted the “Rose”
Then I saw this…..

Contents of the Limited Edition Set
A box set with every product in. Priced at €73.00 It was too much of a bargain to ignore. But should I order it, after all it was still a lot of money.
This is where Little Chick came into the equation. She is an enabler! She loves to help people spend their money, and I had just received a cheque for £60, so I wouldn’t need to add much more to it!
“Do it Mum, you know you want it badly”
Before I knew it, my finger had pressed the order button and a receipt in Italian was winging it’s way into my email inbox.
Then I started having some recriminations. What if I really needed that money for something more important? What if a piece of electrical equipment in the house broke, or I got a puncture (all these things happen to me a lot!)
The next morning I woke up wondering if I had done the right thing in pressing that order button. I went back onto the website and found out the box set and nearly every singular product had sold out.
This made me really glad that I had ordered the set. It was simply stunning and all I needed to do was await it’s arrival.
Coming home from work on Monday 13th February, there on the sofa was a big box. From Italy. My heart started racing and I reached for the scissors to open it up.

It’s here!!
To say I was not disappointed is an understatement.
The outer box is beautiful. Featuring a beautiful photo of the magical rose in it’s Bell jar, the Rose acts as a magnetic catch. The rear shows the contents with the character names, in Italian of course.

L’Oreal Beauty and the Beast Box Set
Slowly I opened the box. The contents were simply stunning.
The left side of the box holds two characters, Mrs Bric and Tockings (Mrs Potts and Cogsworth to us).

Mrs Bric and Tockings
Mrs Bric is a bright Barbie pink, in both the lipstick and the varnish. The outside of the lipstick tube and the top of the varnish feature a white and pink teapot design. The packaging also has a shiny pearlescence about them.

Mrs Bric
The Tockings varnish is a orange/red colour , with a lighter shade for the lipstick. The outside has a woodgrain effect with Tockings clock face on.

The right hand side of the box holds Lumiere and Spolverina, who I have to admit had me a little foxed for awhile, however I have since found out it is the character of Fifi the feather duster.

Lumiere and Spolverina
Lumiere features beautiful gold baroque inspired packaging with an embossed design. The lipstick is a dusty rose with a baby pink varnish.

Spolverina is just divine. A velvet encased tube and top, a feather and lip print design in the colour of the product which is a dark red just screams passion. This is actually my second favourite of all the shades.

Now we come to the middle section featuring three “characters” The Beast, Belle and of course the enchanted Rose.
The Beast is encased in a blue rough material, with three gold claw marks running through the middle. The lipstick is a rich brown colour, the nail varnish a blue shade.

The Beast
Belle is another velvet covered design. This time in red, with gold silhouettes of Belle embossed onto the velvet. Both products are a true pillar box red, one of my favourites!

Lastly is the piece de resistance. The Rose.

The Enchanted Rose
This product has the prettiest packaging of any I have ever seen. A glittery blue background, it features a blood red rose with a gold stem and embellishments. The lipstick is blood red but the varnish crystal clear. This is my favourite lipstick of them all for both the packaging and the colour itself.
I was so pleased that I had ordered this product, as it ticks every box for me. The only downside is that I don’t want to spoil them by wearing them! (Hence why I haven’t swatched the colours for you)

The Complete Collection
That does seem a little silly though. To spend so much on the product yet not use it. But it literally is too pretty to spoil!

Beautiful pigments
Are you a fan of the film? The make-up? And would you save it, just admiring it. Or would you wear every shade with pride?
Till next time,