I don’t know why or what it is, but the Plus Size community do seem to love a good novelty handbag. Over the past year or so I have seen some amazing ones such as milkshake cartons, ray guns and even nail varnish bottles.
Now, whilst the vintage style doesn’t lend itself too much to the novelty bag, I am a lover of the quirky and certainly am more than happy to team up a silly bag with a stunning dress, depending on the occasion. Baby Bear absolutely hates them all and has accused me of regressing back to being a child. I have to disagree, and I think this has made me buy even more!
My first novelty handbag was this amazing little picnic basket from Accessorize (no longer available). A warm brown wicker basket, with red gingham material trim and little snacks on the lid and hanging down. Just too cute to not buy. It was probably one of my most expensive novelty bags at £30, but I had seen it on 3 consecutive days and I eventually caved in.
This started my love affair with the novelty items, and I have now got quite a collection.
Recently I was looking for this Seashell handbag from Skinnydip London, which literally is as rare as unicorn tears. You literally can’t find them anywhere!
As I was unable to find the bag of dreams, I started hunting for a suitable replacement. I was extremely pleased to find this beauty of a bag on Asos. Holographic, with an unusual opening. It is more of an evening bag than an every day kind of bag, but I have big plans for it.
Since starting this post, Skinnydip have now released an irridescent shell bag which I managed to get a hold of instead.

Iridescent Shell Bag
When ordering the shell bag, I stumbled across this stunner from Skinnydip London also on Asos. Who can resist a proper pineapple, complete with green spikes! I managed to get this in the sale so it was even better. I teamed it up with a green dress from Lindybop that I bought recently and it was perfect.
A great place for picking up a great novelty bag, surprisingly enough, is Primark!
last Summer I picked up this ice cream cone and popcorn bucket for the amazing price of £9.00 each. They really are so cute and again are a real talking point. Not the most practical for fitting things inside, but they look good!
Also from Primark was this amazing little Disney red apple bag. This had to fall into my shopping basket as I had the perfect Pin Up Girl dress which featured Snow White, Poisoned Apples and The Wicked Witch!
Another holographic beauty is this square mermaid bag. Meant as a make-up bag, I think it will look lovely with a couple of my outfits and at £3.00 it was too good to miss out on!
The Beautiful Caroline from Curvy Wordy was so lovely in sourcing this amazing Little Mermaid bag to go with my Silly Old Sea Dog mermaid dress. She very kindly sent it to me as a present! One side is covered in a scale type pattern, whilst the other features Ariel and Flounder. Whilst it was supposed to be used as a make-up bag, it works perfectly as a clutch bag. It even has a little blue seashell mirror attached to the zipper!
Another cute little bag is this postcard one that I bought in a blog sale from the fabulous Plus Size Proud. It was just too sweet to resist and has accompanied me on several adventures. It really is so cute that as soon as I saw it, I wanted it. Another one for the collection.
This next bag was bought in the Pin Up Girl sale and even though I didn’t have an outfit in mind, I just had to have this cute carousel horse for the sheer hell of it. I know there is something that it will match in my wardrobe, but if not I will just have to buy something….
Less than a month later I bought the perfect dress as mentioned here!
One of my last novelty purchases was this stunning little fish from SkinnyDip London. I managed to grab this in the sale from £32 down to just £14. Paired up with my Mermaid dress (again) it will be a perfect combination.

My next bag was also from SkinnyDip in the sale. It is a liquid glitter filled clutch and when the bag is in use it moves and flows around. Whilst it is not longer available in Purple, you can get it in baby pink and blue.
My next bag I got at a Vintage Fayre, it was an absolute bargain and although it technically isn’t a novelty, it is slightly cutesy.

Vintage Beauty
My last bag was a Christmas present from my Mum. I have loved Vendula Bags for a long time (as you will see further down) but I never expected my Mum to know that, let alone get me one! I was really lucky in that she got me the matching purse too.

Vendula Cottage Bag
There are so many more out there at the moment and these are a selection of my favourite ones. I am trying to resist, but it is really difficult!
What are your opinions on Novelty bags? A bit of fun or Ridiculous? Is it time for me to grow up?
Till next time,