If you have ever read any of my blogs, you will know I am a Pin Up Girl Clothing fanatic. I first started wearing their clothing around two years ago, and I have built up quite a large collection.
Yes, they are more expensive than the regular brands you can get in the UK, however I can’t always get the sizes to fit me here and have never had a problem with anything I have brought from PUG.
In the plus size groups I socialise with, I am known as the PUG queen, as it is very rare that I attend an event in something other that that range, especially if it is a “bit of a do”.
But the love of PUG does come with the drawback of not only the higher cost, but also the associated shipping, taxes and duty costs on arrival in the UK.
For this reason I usually wait until there is a Final Yard Sale, or a special discount day, such as Memorial Day, 4th of July and Thanksgiving, where you can save quite a lot of money.
Now, last week my blogger babe Boo messaged me to see if I had seen the special discount they had going, which was 20% off everything. Well, every little helps and I had seen a couple of things on the Final Yard Sale that looked promising.
Most of the PUG clothing I own are dresses, sometimes with a little matching bolero. I currently only own one top and one skirt. And that was what I wanted to rectify.
Going onto the site I saw this wonderful Harlequin skirt in a red, green and white print. I loved the print and thought it would be a perfect Christmas skirt!
I have a wonderful red PUG Lauren blouse (that I normally wear with a black, red and green cherry print skirt) that would match it perfectly and as this skirt was only $40 and then there was the discount on top. Bargain!
I was also quite taken by a green peasant top that would match both skirts. Again it was a great price, so into the basket it went.
We duly put in our joint orders and less than three days later the items arrived from America.
So, the verdict?
Well, what both of us had failed to spot was that the skirts were actually skater skirts, meaning they are a lot shorter in length than normal.
This works pretty well on a tall, slender lady yet not so good on a short dumpy one.
Boo messaged me to tell me the news, and I have to admit I was a little gutted! I really liked my previous skirt and was hoping to be able to mix and match the tops and bottoms.
I was meeting Boo at the StyleXL Awards and so she brought along my items, and to be honest I just threw them in my case.
Eventually I got the items out and decided to give them a go. I already expected them to look awful, so I wouldn’t be disappointed, would I?
Putting the skirt on I was actually pleasantly suprised! It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. In fact I really quite liked it.

Need a belt (and an iron)
The top? Well that was a whole different kettle of fish!
Whilst I understand it is a peasant top, it is available in the plus size range and therefore I would expect it to cover a lot more than what it actually does. The depth of the bust area is so small, if I put the seam line under my chest (where it is supposed to sit) then I am practical flashing my nipples at people!

Too much Cleavage
It is positively indecent, and clearly cannot be worn like it. If I pull it up, the seam line sits in a weird place and either way it looks odd.

Well, that looks odd!
This is genuinely the first time I have ever had any fitting issues with PUG
At this point, I had a brainwave! A Eureka Moment, if you will.
I decided to give it a go with my corset. As you know, having such a large chest I can’t get strapless or plunge bras and so wear an overbust corset whenever an outfit needs it.

Pleasantly Surprised
And Voila! The top suddenly became workable. The line was a lot better and the nipples were not on show. Total bonus!

PUG Happy
I am glad I had my “moment” because when I got the whole outfit together, I was really pleased with the end result and will be wearing this throughout the year, not just at Christmas as originally thought.

Husband didn’t tuck the label in…..
It is a little different to my normal tastes, but they say a change is as good as a rest, right?
Are you a fan of a shorter full skirt? Do you like the new harlequin print, or not a fan at all?
I look forward to hearing your opinions.
Till next time,