For those who know me or read my blogs frequently, I recently shared a purchase that I made of the L’Oreal Beauty and the Beast make up set.
In my write up I confessed to my love for the original film, and although I am a massive Disney fan in general, Beauty and the Beast is my favourite Disney film of all time.
This meant of course that I was super excited when several months ago they announced a new live action version of the classic story. I immediately started counting down the days.
I must confess I am a huge B&B fan. I have seen the film more times than I care to count, and I have seen the West End musical of the film three times, and would certainly go more if it was still on at the theatre! I simply love it, and for me it is the pinnacle of a Disney era that was filled with amazing modern classics.

The best Musical EVER
Finally the release date of the 17th of March was given and I was so excited. I might be 42 but I was feeling like a excited child again.

Channeling my inner middle aged Belle
Sadly due to work and other engagements I was unable to go on opening day, however booked tickets for the VIP seats in our local VUE cinema on Sunday afternoon.

SOOOO Excited
As soon as I woke up I was singing virtually every song from the film and time couldn’t go quick enough.
We arrived at 330pm for a 4pm showing and of course loaded up on treats and drinks.

Buckets of popcorn, fanta and nachos!

A dirty hotdog – tasted so good!
Heading into screen 6 we settled ourselves into the extra wide leather VIP seats and waited for the film to start.

Two Beauties and a Beast! I will let you decide which one is which!
And boy, What a start! True to the original, the village and its inhabitants looked just like the cartoon. Emma Watson started singing and I was sucked into a world of fantasy.
Emma doesn’t sing like your perfect Disney princesses do. She is very “English” in her style of singing and I thought it worked so well.
I was transfixed by the story which expanded on Belles character somewhat, and there was even a little back story regarding her Mother which I found really beautiful yet tragic.
The film does have a couple of new songs, and also there seems to be a few new verses added to some of the classic ones. These all worked amazingly well.
For me, the only disappointing thing was a song that is only used in the West End Musical, called “If I can’t Love her” was not chosen to be added to the film, instead a new song called “Evermore”is used. Whilst this is a beautiful love song, it does not compare to the lyrics and sheer desperation of the Beast.
The Song breaks my heart every time, and I find it tragic that it so unknown when it such a beautiful song. If you are interested to hear it, you can do so here on Youtube as sung by Terrence Mann.

Theatre Version with Terrence Mann
The film itself has the most amazing cinematography. The locations are perfect, and the costumes just divine. I loved the comedy of the characters, and LeFou is spectacular.
Belle has become an even better character. Emma Watson gives her backbone. When she argues with the beast, you believe her. She is bright and spirited and is a fabulous role model to look up to.
The Beast is a miracle of modern technology. He is so realistic that you really start to believe he is, until of course the final transformation when he turns into the Prince.
If you are unsure as to whether the film would be for you, it is certainly well worth a watch. It has romance, conflict, amazing action scenes, fighting and even comedic value. It is worth is just for the way the film has been shot, it genuinely is a stunningly beautiful piece of film.
Oh, and my last confession…..
Luke Evans as Gaston is HOT!!! And whilst he is a bigoted, rude, ignorant cretin, he was far more attractive (for me) than the Prince who is just a little too wholesome, in fact I kept wishing they had left the Prince with a little facial hair!

Too Pretty for me!
So yes, Gaston was my preferred leading man.

Luke Evans. Enough said!
After all, you gotta love a bad boy every now and then!
Are you a fan? Will you go and see the new film?
Till next time,