So, in a previous post I mentioned the wonderful Pin Up Girl Skirts that I had purchased from the lovely Michaela. The first two had arrived and I was keen to wear one out.

Michaela and her stunning skirt
Sadly I was suffering quite badly with an ear infection which had left me deaf in one ear, and with partial hearing in the other. This meant I was feeling pretty sorry for myself.
However, I had an appointment to have my nails done and so I decided to pull myself up by my boot straps and make an effort.
The one main issue I had was that I had been told to not wash my hair unless absolutely necessary, to stop any water getting inside my ears. This left me with hideous hair and I didn’t know what to do.
Well, I had seen a few tutorials about vintage style t-shirt turbans and thought that this could be my saving grace. I gave it a go and quite like what I saw.

First attempt with Betty Bangs
I then took it off. I felt it needed a fringe, or a quiff or something at the front. The best option, I felt was a Betty Bangs style fringe. But I had never tried one of them before. Well there has to be a first time for everything!

Posing with My Turban
This got me thinking about what to pair it with. What better than one of the new t-shirts and the Pin Up Girl Skirts?
Deciding on a pale blue slash neck t-shirt, the red Venice print skirt and a lovely red brooch from Viva La Lux, I added a red turban and earrings and I was all set.

Turban, Earrings and Brooch all to match
Now, this was going to be quite a big step for me. After all it is quite a bold look and one I hadn’t yet tried out.
Oh and it was half term week and I knew the town centre would be full of teenagers.
Into town I headed. It was a fabulous sunny day. I had the sun roof open on my little mini and Ella Fitzgerald was singing a smooth tune. All was right with the World.
And then I hit the town centre.
I have to admit I did get a few strange looks. Quite a few in fact. However, I also got a couple of compliments from strangers, so all in all it balanced itself out.

Look at that print!
I definitely felt great in it, even though it did challenge me both in terms of style AND confidence.
As I said, one of the best things about this outfit was the turban. It was actually an old red t-shirt with very small sleeves that I had left over from my baggy jeans and t-shirt wearing days. A Primark special that had cost around £3.00.

Betty Bangs and T-shirt Turbans
I had watched a tutorial on Youtube about making a vintage style turban from a t-shirt and it looked pretty simple. In fact it was! It literally took me two minutes.
Now I intend to get a few other cheap t-shirts in various colours so I can co-ordinate it with my wardrobe and wear them more frequently.

Pin Up Girl does it again
As I said, I really loved the look and now I can’t wait to wear the other skirts as they arrive.
All with matching turbans of course!
Till next time