If you read my blog frequently you might have seen a post about getting a small tattoo that I had disliked for a long time covered up.
I had entrusted the lovely Thor of Mad Tatters in my home town to cover my wrist up with a much larger piece – see here for my original post.

The original Piece
Now I had sat for around 4 hours having the black outline and some of the colour work done, but had eventually run out of time and pain threshold. I booked in for 5 weeks later (based on my work shifts) and returned to get the rest of the tattoo completed.

First session
Well, the night before I was totally unable to sleep. Whether this was due to the excitement of going and getting it finished, or down to the fact that this ear infection (now 16 days old) is still causing me massive problems, I don’t really know.
However, somewhere around 2 o’clock in the morning I had a brainwave. As anyone with tattoo’s know, they are really very addictive. And whilst lying there in bed staring at the ceiling, I started working out what I wanted for my next piece which will go on my opposite wrist.
I totally understand that the location of my tattoo is a little different. It isn’t a sleeve, or even a half sleeve. More like a quarter sleeve, or as I like to think of it as a wrist cuff.
Given that I have a vintage perfume bottle and a peacock feather on my right wrist, I want to go with a similar theme and have other vintage accoutrements on my left cuff.

A Goddess Tattoo for a Secret Plus Size Goddess
Eventually with sleep still alluding me, I got up and went downstairs to read a book and have a genteel cup of Earl Grey. Of course I then fell asleep and really didn’t want to get up when the alarm went off at 8 am.
Never the less, I got myself down to the tattoo shop and started having a chat with Thor. I told him about my early hour of the morning dream and what I fancied and he knew exactly what I was talking about. BONUS.
Eventually we got settled in to the chair and he started his work. Now in theory there was only two flowers and some leaf work to do. Oh, and some pearls, and some smoke clouds and some highlighting.

Thor at Work
Now I am not going to lie. Given the positioning of the Camellia and Hibiscus I knew it was going to hurt. And hurt it really did.

Initial outlining
However, the pain was all worth it and I was over the moon with the final result. I know I will need to go back for a touch up, mainly on the purple stone section in the feather as unfortunately an accident in London took a huge chunk out of it, leaving it a bit damaged and discoloured. However this can be done when I look at getting my other wrist done.

Creamy Camellia
So, what are my plans for that arm? A vintage long handled mirror, a powder puff, flowers and of course the obligatory red lipstick sound like a perfect idea. Thor has got me pencilled in for the beginning of July.

Hibiscus and Feather
Just need to tell the family now………