A couple of weeks ago a random conversation with my Blogger bestie, Boo from “does my blog make me look fat” resulted in us deciding to have a weekend together at my family home.
Now all the family know Boo and my girls get on really well with her, so it was going to be a fun weekend.
Initially we had arranged to meet up as Boo had read my review on a recent visit to a burger restaurant and had messaged me saying she “wanted to Mu Mu”. Well of course I was up for visiting it again and having more yummy food, so I told her to come up.
There was just one small spanner in the works. Boo approached it tactfully.
“How do you feel about Eurovision?”
Well, there was only one way I could respond to that!
“We LOVE it”
And indeed we do. I went on to explain that we usually print off the scorecards, get a massive euro-buffet with foods from lots of the competing Countries and then sit, watch and take the mickey out of how bad it can be.
Well of course, I knew I had her on the hook when she asked if she could come to our party!
Fast forward a couple of weeks and Boo has arrived. I had booked out meal at Mu Mu for 8pm, which gave us a good couple of hours to sample everything we could.

Selfie Queens
I decided to try something different this time and went with the “Peanut Butter Crunch” which was a beef patty, cheese, strawberry jam, potato chips, smoked streaky bacon and crunchy peanut butter. I had to stick with my marmite butter and cheese fries as they are just the best thing ever!

Boo has made her choice…
Boo went with the Barbie-mu which has smoked streaky bacon, cheese, mayo, BBQ sauce, diced white onion, pickle, jalapenos and battered onion rings. Boo requested it without the jalapenos, which they had no problem accommodating.
We sat chatting over our drinks whilst waiting for our food. Of course we had to have a selfie too.
All too soon a heaped plate of food was put in front of us. I have to admit that I was a little apprehensive about my burger, but I so desperately wanted to try it, so I dug in. I literally was in heaven!

Heaven on a plate
The combination of peanut butter, cheese and jam was a bit of a revelation. It was so good. The only part I wasn’t too keen on was the crisps. This was only due to the juices from the burger make them a bit chewy, so I did the obvious thing and took them out.
The Mu Mu Slaw was creamy and so tasty and the chips were as great as ever.
I had a lovely Caribbean Queen cocktail made with Chambord, Coconut Rum, Pineapple and Cranberry. So refreshing and really sweet.

Caribbean Queen
I have to admit though, the meal defeated me. I tried my best and I was gutted to have left any of it uneaten, but I was simply full to bursting.

Boo said her burger was amazing and she was a big fan of the chips. She too was stuffed to the gills so we called it a night and got the bill.
The manager Kara was amazing as always and had popped to see us a couple of time to make sure we were enjoying ourselves, which of course we were happy to confirm we were.
Boo drove us home and we immediately got into our pj’s for a night of trashy television including Ru-Paul, InkMaster and more.
First night done – Now for the Eurovision Party the next night.