Last year in a fit of stupidity I decided to paint my bedroom. Not the whole bedroom but the feature wall behind our bedhead.
Now, originally it was a deep rich lush Garnet colour and I loved it. But after five years I was very bored with it and I felt the colour was actually affecting my sleep patterns. Garnet is such a fiery passionate colour, and I needed stress-free restful shades.
In this moment of madness, I decided to paint the wall a very pale blue. It immediately lightened up the room, and certainly became more tranquil.
But I struggled with duvet covers. Every one I seemed to pick up was the wrong shade of blue. I eventually found one that I really liked but after about a dozen washes it had become all bobbled and I hated the feel against my skin.
This was quite near the Christmas period, and so I used a lovely Vintage Christmas duvet cover that I purchased at Asda, and thought no more about it.
Until it got to March and I was still looking at a festive scene! I was washing, drying and ironing the one cover and it was driving me mad.
Queue going to Winchester to see Little Chick a few weeks ago.
I was having to kill an hour and so thought I would mooch around the town centre, when I popped into Primark for some cheap t-shirts to make into turbans (see post here)
And there, in front of me, was THE perfect duvet cover, all with matching accessories.
I immediately started filling my trolley up. Candles, Pillows, Sheets, Pillowcases; you name it I put it in the trolley.

Chunky Candles £2 each
Then came the difficult part. There were no Kingsize duvet covers available. I was distraught!
The wonderful Supervisor Gabriella rang 3 local branches and even my one back home to see if there was stock. The news wasn’t good. Every one had sold out.
I sadly put the rest of the items back on their shelves. Leaving the store dejectedly I went to go out of the shopping centre, when I saw it. A Kingsize duvet in the internal window display.
Of course I went back in a spoke to Gabriella about getting the duvet from the window. She told me that due to Health and Safety they were not allowed to de-merchandise the windows until after the store had closed.
Finding out what time the store closed, I asked if it would be possible to come back at 5.55pm to get the rest of the items and then get the duvet out of the window.
Yes I am aware she probably hated me at that point. But she was amazingly helpful and went to check for me.
Telling me to come back around ten minutes before closing time, she would see what she could do.
Well of course I was over the Moon!
I filled my basket up with all the matching goodies, purchased them and then left the store to return a few hours later.
I am so pleased to say that when I got there, I was able to buy the duvet. I literally couldn’t stop thanking Gabriella for all her help, and left the store with a huge smile on my face.
And the end result?
My Perfect Bedroom Paradise.

Pink Cushions £4.00 each Reversible Bird Cushion £5.00 each

Pattern detailing
My thanks go out to Gabriella again, for everything she did to help this desperate woman out. I literally could not fault the service she gave me and she did the company very proud. I will of course be sending a copy of this to her Head Office congratulating them on such a wonderful staff member!
What do you think of my little makeover?

Opposites Attract
The quality of this range is amazing. The material and print are fantastic and they certainly brighten up a room. I was amazed that the two main pillowcases had opposite prints on them. Too often when you buy a set, the pillows are perfect duplicates which leaves me with a feeling of one of the patterns being wrong.
With this set it really is a bonus to have the birds facing opposite ways. The other bonus is the bird printed cushion. This has a white and blue scalloped pattern on the back, which matches the back of the duvet making it really reversible and again I can give the room a different look whenever the mood takes me.
The third bonus to this set? I got the duvet cover, a king size sheet, a set of pink pillowcases, two pink pillows, one bird pillow and three chunky candles for a total price of less than £40!!!
I really can’t express how great the value is compared to the quality, which Primark have really excelled on this duvet cover.

Pillow and Duvet reverse pattern

Birdcage Accessory
They have a huge range out at the moment so I am sure you would find something for every style and budget. You really don’t need to break the bank to have a new look!
Till next time,