Whilst visiting the amazing Londonedge trade show, we met the fabulous ladies from Mermaid Salon. They had actually travelled all the way from Australia just for the occasion.

What a cute stall!
They were sponsoring an area upstairs that just cried out fabulousness!
Inflatable unicorns, flamingo’s and flower shaped seats, coupled with a huge cabinet full of pick n mix, make up displays and still to be set up, Vodka shots! My kind of people.

Chill Out Area sponsored by Mermaid Salon
I was however a good girl, and didn’t partake; for once!
On a pretty white cart was a marvellous stand of lipsticks. Such vibrant colours; everything from blue to orange and every colour in between, all of them divine.

All the colours!
We were then exceedingly grateful when we were told to help ourselves to a lipstick!

Some of the shades
I chose “Into the Woods” which was a deep browny/purple colour that I simply loved. Rich and so colourful, it had a great consistency when dragged across the lips, highly pigmented it dried in a few seconds but lasted on the lips for hours.

Into The Woods
I chose to allow the first coat to dry first then went in for a second coat.
The colour is glorious, sumptuous and rich it really is a great Autumn colour and I plan on wearing it a lot.
Now, I actually ended up with another two lipsticks. How? You might ask.
I didn’t know that Mermaid Salon had put a free lipstick in our VIP goodie bags. I ended up with Barber Girl; a pale lilac shade that I honestly don’t know if I have the confidence to wear, although it would look amazing with my hair colour, it is just a wee bit far from my usual vintage styling.

Barber Girl
I realised though that it would look great on my niece Twiggy, and so gave it to her when we recently met up at a family occasion.
My third lipstick “Fantasia” came about as Boo had been given two liquid lipsticks in her goodie bag, but they were the same colour so she offered one to me.

Fantasia is a hot pink colour, again highly pigmented and long lasting. I put this one on straight away as it matched my outfit perfectly.
They also had a range of eye-shadow palettes. These ranged from your everyday kind of colours, to palettes with the most neon and glittery shades ever! I loved them all.

All the colours of the rainbow!
One of their other popular products is the chubby mermaid foundation brush. The unusual different about this is that is has a very wide yet flat brush structure which is very dense. Couple with a handle shaped like a mermaid’s tail, what is there not to love? Oh and it comes in several colours too!
I enquired about purchasing one as I simply adored it. I was told to take one and see what I thought to it. So I chose the lovely rose gold one.

Chubby Mermaid Brushes
Now having used sponges/silicone pads for my foundation for ages, I was unsure as to how I would get on with this strangely shaped brush. It is very dense so picks up the foundation well, yet is so smooth is feel velvety when you brush it over your face.
The coverage in my opinion is fantastic. You don’t get the brush lines that you do from conventional brushes, yet you still use around the same amount of foundation, if not actually a little less.

It comes with it’s own protective case
The brush is also really easy to clean and dries very well and has become my staple brush that I use daily. I genuinely really love it, and can’t wait to see if they bring out a whole line of other brushes!

Simply a fantastic brush to use!
Thank you Mermaid Salon for gifting me these products at Londonedge; I am now a fully confirmed fan!!