As so we come to it. The final shot from my favourite ten photographs from Velvet D’Amour.
I love this shot so much, but I can’t even tell you exactly why.
I love the robe that the fabulous Fuller Figure Fuller Bust loaned to me, and the backdrop is stunning in its authenticity.
As for me, I am looking away from the camera and I have a hard look on my face. It could be a resting bitch face.
Is it wistful? Waiting for a lover to return to my arms.
Remembering previous happy times when I was desired and courted.
Who knows?
Either way it is one hell of a photograph and my absolute favourite of over 130 photographs taken during the time I was with Velvet.

My Favourite Photograph of all the Velvet shots.
I Can’t thank Velvet enough for the way she made me feel and clearly I love all she managed to coax out of me.
I hope I can do another shoot with her soon. She really is life changing in her perspective, attitude and end results.
Thank you Velvet, you really made me feel so special in every way, shape and form.
Till next time,