When I had met Rhina on my arrival in Stuttgart, we had got involved in quite a long photo shoot which you can read and see all about here.
During the course of the afternoon I had complimented her on her stunning short fringe and complained that I didn’t have time to go and visit the wonderful House of Drewvid before my holiday.
Rhina got straight onto the phone to her hairdresser (which happens to have a salon directly under where Rhina lives) to see if he had any appointments for a cut. I wasn’t optimistic however she was able to secure an appointment Friday lunchtime and I was very excited!

Vassilios – Hairdresser extraordinaire
First thing though, we had a wonderful breakfast of buckwheat pancakes that her lovely husband Holger prepared. I can honestly say I had never had anything like it, but they were so delicious. As someone who doesn’t normally eat breakfast at all, I couldn’t stop tucking in to the delicious hot pancake, along with a lovely apple and pear compote he had also made, amongst other things.
Eventually Rhina and I set off for the local pop-up dirndl shop where she had procured some traditional dresses for me to try on. This was such an adventure that I dedicated a whole post on it – read here.

My first ever dirndl
After finishing at the dirndl shop it was time to head to the salon. I walked in with my faithful Dita-esque style wig on, and walked out a new woman.

Time to be pampered
The owner, Vassilios cut my bob back into shape, giving me the shortest fringe I think I have ever had and I loved it.

Feeling like a new woman
I literally felt like years had been taken off me. Although I could still see lots of grey hair, the shape and style were amazing and I literally couldn’t stop smiling from ear to ear.

New shape
We did a little shopping and managed to get some more complimentary ribbons for my dirndl and then returned back home to start getting ready for the evening and the adventures ahead.
Rhina wanted to take me for a look around Stuttgart, starting at the dirndl shop to show off our new looks, and then her favourite cafe and the moving into the centre of town to see the stunning library and onto the Volksfest for the first taste of the festival.

Popping back to the Dirndl shop
I decided to wear the blue and red ensemble and felt like I fitted in perfectly. Rhina loaned me a pearl choker necklace which are very popular to wear with dirndl and I was all set.

The best cake EVER
Going to the cafe for cake was amazing. I chose a lemon and cream sponge and it was sublime; the sponge light and airy and the cream smooth and tangy. I polished the whole lot off!

Just Divine
We went to into the main part of town and went to the Library which was so modern and crisp it was unreal.

A stunning space
It had everything from silent piano’s to children’s rest and play areas, little book forts you could hide and read it and even lounging sofa’s for the adults.

Just Browsing
Books of every genre were there in this beautiful white building. It really was a sight to see.

Beautiful surroundings
Outside there were adult sized swings, so of course we had to have a go on them, it would have been a travesty if we hadn’t!
We then walked on to the Schlossplatz, which is the castle area where the Volksfest was being held.

The Schloss
It was a much older and historic looking festival. Wooden swing boats, old fashioned food stalls, carnival rides; all beautiful, ornate and old.

Swing Boats

Ferris Wheel

It was a beautiful looking festival and we wandered amongst the attractions before entering the bier halle where we could join in the singing and partying whilst drinking large steins of beer.
Sounds like a great idea to me.
Everyone was in traditional dress or dirndl and lederhosen. The atmosphere was wonderful; so welcoming and inclusive.

Loving every moment
I must have looked okay as several people addressed me in German (which sent me into mild panics) I was able to understand most of what was being said, but not always able to respond. Thankfully Rhina saved me on several occasions.

Who doesn’t love a man in uniform?
We were very lucky to locate to spaces on the bench seating and ordered gorgeous ceramic steins of beer. Looking over the menu we both decided to go with a traditional beef soup which was so damn good I could have eaten it several times over.

Bier und Suppe

The tent was decorated beautifully and the band they had playing was excellent. Although I didn’t know a lot of the music, I love any live playing so I was simply in my element.

Rhina explained that many times throughout the night they would sing one particular song, which everyone joins in, then toasts all the companions sharing the bench we were on. Even though we didn’t know them, it was like we were long lost friends.
Ein Prosit, ein Prosit
Der Gemütlichkeit
Ein Prosit, ein Prosit
Der Gemütlichkeit.
She taught me the drinking song and I joined in with everyone else, before slamming our steins together shouting Prost. I really got into the swing of it and was loving every second. The band play this every 20 minutes or so to remind you to drink and get into the party spirit. On the dance floor people were doing the Polka and every other dance in between. I was supremely happy.

Bierhalle and Musik
Eventually it was getting time to make a move back home as the night was passing fast. We had one more walk around the festival and Rhina took some of the most amazing photographs before it was time to get back on the u-bahn.

Artistic Shots

Fairground Attraction

Olden Times
It was such an amazing day and I just couldn’t believe that I had worn a dirndl all around Stuttgart and felt like I was part of a wonderful welcoming community.

Casual Dirndl
If this was the small festival, then the huge one on Sunday was going to be really something super special.
Stayed tuned over the next week for the rest of the adventure.
Till then,