Long time readers may remember a post I did back in April 2017 about the 50 things I want to do before I hit my 50th birthday which will happen in 2024. If you missed this, check it out here
Some of these things I have already managed to achieve and have done an update already which you can I wrote about here
Now I had managed to tick off a few more and have some in the pipeline so thought I would update you a little further.
11. Have a photoshoot with Velvet D’Amour – this happened earlier this year at the amazing Sugnall Hall which was a about a two hour drive. It was a sunday afternoon and I set off early as I needed to get there, get my clothing sorted out and head into hair and makeup. I have loved Velvet’s work for quite awhile now and I just couldn’t wait to see the end results.

Purple Reign

Boudoir Shot

Divine Delights
Shooting with her was an absolute delight and the final images were sublime.
14. Enter Miss Twinwood. I bit the bullet and sent in a photograph for judging. I didn’t expect to get too far, but it was fun entering it and I realised I wanted to get to the final more than I ever imagined. The initial round had 93 ladies taking part. This had to be whittled down to the top 30 ladies and was by votes and liked on Facebook. I was absolutely honoured to get the fourth most votes with over 700 likes on my picture.
Then it was for the judges to choose their top ten from this 30. Sadly I didn’t make it to the top ten and I was genuinely gutted. It was a great experience though.

Miss Twinwood
23. Visit 10 foreign countries in 8 years. Since the last update I have added Slovenia, Slovakia, Austria and Germany to the list. Prior to that I added France, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. In fact I have very nearly ticked this one off, so I may need to extend the number somewhat. Maybe twenty countries…..

Warsaw, Poland November 2015

Budapest, Hungary September 2016

Prague, Czech Republic December 2016

France June/October 2017

Ljubljana, Slovenia December 2017

Vienna, Austria February 2018

Bratislava, Slovakia February 2018

Stuttgart, Germany (Technically Esslingen) September 2018
29. Go to Oktoberfest. This happened recently when I went to stay with the amazing Rhina Duque-Thus and her lovely husband Holger in Stuttgart. I had the most amazing time, wore Dirndl’s, drank beer and sang German drinking songs.
It was a fantastic experience.
38. Go for a Girl’s spa day. This was achieved as I had been invited to a hen party spa stay for the beautiful Sarah-Louise. A load of us stayed overnight, had some amazing fun and hi-jinx as well as being totally pampered. A perfect day all round.

Hens at The Spa
42. Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Boo and I went to Paris in October 2017 and booked a trip to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Yes I am still frightened of heights but I did it and can say that I enjoyed it a little bit. The glass of champagne at the top certainly helped with those nerves though.

Champagne at the Top
Those are all I have completed for now, however in the next two months I will be going to the Royal Albert Hall and also to a burlesque show, so that it something else to tick off.
Slowly but surely I will get there. If I complete them all early I have just have to add even more. After all, life is for living and I am making the most of every single opportunity.
Till next time,