There has been quite a hype recently about Primark offering clothes that will fit us plus size babes. Now, I know their range has got better and some of the lines have a bit of stretch. However if you are over a size 22, do not be surprised if you can’t fit in their clothing.
BUT it is getting better.
I remember a few years back, you could barely find a size 16 let alone anything bigger.
But I know for sure, that their size 20 stretch t-shirts (available in a multitude of colours) fit this huge busted girl who normally fits a size 26.
So, what is the point of this post?
It is actually to promote their accessories, namely their earrings!
Now, I have a multitude of earrings; both original vintage and reproductions from companies such as Bow and Crossbones, Luxulite, Splendette and more.
And I love every pair that I have bought.

New Earrings
However, on a recent trip to Primark, I was surprised to see a range of earrings that mimicked the vintage style earrings I was purchasing. Also they were a fraction of the price that I was used to paying!

Green Hoops
Don’t get me wrong. Some of them are more 80’s than they are 50’s however for such a cheap price, I couldn’t refuse.
Here are the ones I picked up last week…..
Green Hoops – Marble effect £2.00. A bargain.
Then I bought two pairs of button studs. One in a blue/green mix and the other tortoiseshell. Just £1.50 a pair.

Blue Green Mix

I bought one last pair that I felt had a vintage vibe, again at just £2.00 and a pair that was in the Winter sale, down from £3.00 to just £1.00 but with a definite 80’s vibe.

The red ones just spoke to me. More 60’s I guess, however I am quite tempted to remove the gold link and large oblong section, just leaving a larger red hexagonal button; only time will tell if I do this!

I may deconstruct these….
For less than £10 I got 5 pairs of earrings which I know will match so many of my outfits. I am excited to show them off, I just need somewhere to go now.
So, what do you think? Is Primark the place to go for cheap fast fashion jewellery? Where else do you recommend?
Till next time,
SPSG xxx