Back at the end of January I went to Londonedge as I always do. This time was a little different as I was going solo as Boo was away in the USA for work.
However away I went and was able to meet a whole host of people, including the lovely Lynsey Le Keux from Le Keux Salon, Birmingham.
If you missed my review of Lynsey’s amazing products, you can catch up on it here.
Anyway, several weeks ago I saw on the Facebook page that they were going to have a clothing and vintage accessories swap.
Well, that sounded like a good idea to me, so I had a look at the train times and decided to pop up to Birmingham for the event. I hadn’t yet managed a visit to her Vintage Salon there so it was an ideal time to kill two birds with one stone.

On the way
I popped on a train from Northampton in the morning and an hour later I was in the Bullring. I wandered around looking at various shops before finding myself in Primark which was heaving!
Eventually it was time to head to the event and I decided to walk the 15 minutes from the centre to The Custard Factory. The weather was great and I was happy just mooching along.

I finally found the venue, but it was pretty huge and I couldn’t actually find the Salon itself. I enquired with a security guard who managed to send me totally the wrong way and I still couldn’t find where I was supposed to be.

So very beautiful
The great side effect from this is that I found some really amazing street art and sculpture which was epic!

Green Man
Eventually using my logic and common sense, I rang the salon. Lynsey was able to give me some directs and before too long I was walking inside and finding the salon.

I was around 10 minutes early so we had a bit of a chat and she was able to take the items I had brought to swap and gave me the tokens I was entitled to.

The lovely Lynsey
By this point lots more people had arrived and started to mingle. The was even a lady having the most wonderful hairstyle done. Perfect vintage waves were on show. The lovely Vicky was going on the Severn Valley railway for a 1940’s murder mystery night.

Waves for days
She very kindly said I could use her photograph for my blog; I just couldn’t resist taking pictures.

The finishing touches
Everyone was trying on the different clothes that had been brought in and as I was probably the biggest there, I focused more on the accessories and grabbed 3 large handbags.

One of my new bags
Lynsey had actually given these ones as they all needed a bit of restoration and TLC.
Well, I knew I could do that so I was happy with my choices.

Time for Tea
Then it was time to sit and chill for awhile.
The salon has some amazing seating; vintage cars with fins and lights. All in pink and black. I felt right in my element.

How amazing are these seats?
The tables were all set with vintage teacups and saucers and Lynsey organised for huge pots of tea. Well it would be rude not to, right?

Hair accessories
I sat down with a full cup and was joined by a beautiful lady with a real rockabilly look; sadly with my crappy memory, her name has escaped me. If it was you, let me know and I will update this!

How Fabulous?!?
I must admit it was really lovely to sit down, relax and drink tea. No agenda at all, just meeting new people with similar interests to me.

Eventually it was around time to say goodbye and I set off for home. Of course, I couldn’t resist taking some more photographs of the artwork all around The Custard Factory.

Me on a good day1
I especially liked these naked people which were hanging from the ceiling.

So artistic
I loved visiting Le Keux and I am sure it won’t be the last time I go and see them. In fact, they do photo-shoots in their studio which includes vintage props and sets.

Kitchen Set
Now….. there’s a fine idea!

Perfect Props
Till next time,
SPSG xxx