In past posts I have talked about having my eyebrows microbladed and eyeliner tattooed at the amazing Q.L Salon by Louisa.

No Makeup!
What I haven’t said is how much easier this has made getting up every day!
As previously said, I am crap at make-up. I never really had anyone to show me when growing up AND I grew up in the era of blue mascara, Rimmel fudge brownie lipstick and if you were lucky some blue eyeliner too.
A classy 80’s look for sure, but not really any use in today’s fashion. I mean, I know I love the Vintage Style, but not that era!
Well, the eyebrows and the eyeliner went really well and I loved the effect. I could literally get up for work in the morning and look like I had minimal make-up on. This is absolutely perfect when running late.

First tattooing
Since then Lou has been mentioning that she wanted to take a go at my lips. Now, as great an idea as that is I also was a little nervous.
Even though I knew from experience that the eyelids didn’t hurt, I though that the lips would be just a bit too sensitive.

Numbing Cream on
Anyway, I booked in with Lou to have the final eyebrow and eyeliner top up and to get my lips done on the same day.
Fast forward to this past Monday and I arrived on time, all ready to go. Lou had advised me to put Zovirax on my lips for a week before, this was to stop any lip sore outbreaks after the tattooing.
Lou started by touching up my eyebrows. They were still looking amazing however I had lost a little colour after the first microblading.

Eyebrows. Done!
She then turned to the eyeliner, which although still a perfect line had lost some colour. It was due to be topped up a month or so ago and I had to cancel the appointment so it never got done.
If you read the first blog about the eyeliner (found here) you will see me talk of how ticklish I found the whole process and I wondered if it would be the sameĀ this time.

Eyeliner. Done!
Well, I wasn’t wrong. I found it hard to curtail my giggles as she passed the tattooing machine over my eyelids. After a couple of minutes we were all done.

Before – Very thin and undefined
Before doing my eyes Lou had put a numbing cream on my lips so that it wouldn’t be too painful to tattoo. It had done its job and it was now time to go under the needle.

Outline. Done!
I have to say that it was a bit similar to the eyelids; it tickled due to the vibrations but wasn’t unpleasant. We had decided to go with a red lip effect and Lou showed me just what the colour would be like.

In progress
Towards the end of the tattooing there was a tiny amount of discomfort as the cream started to wear off, but as I have had a lot of normal tattoos, I quite like the feeling and so it was no problem.
Lou warned me that when she first showed me the results it would look quite odd. She explained that they would be swollen and puffy but this would go down.

In your face, literally
She put some healing cream on my lips and got me a mirror.
Yeah, she was right. I would have panicked as they were very large and shiny!

However, I trust Lou and knew that this was natural and would calm down.
I decided there and then that I wouldn’t post any photos immediately; I wanted to take ones every day for four or five days so that I could show the healing process.
So here goes…

The Day After…

Day two – Healing great

Day three

Day four

Day five
I am absolutely thrilled with the effect so far.
The deeper colour infill of the actual lips will be done in approximately four weeks. I have already got my appointment booked and I can’t wait to see the finished effect.

Looking good
So, do you like it? Would you have it done?
Till next time
SPSG xxx