If you are a long time reader, you will know that the highlight of my year is the Twinwood Festival which is held every August Bank Holiday.

Twinwood 2016
This is the fifth year I will be going and I am as excited as the very first!
Last year was a bit of a first as instead of going alone, I have several family and friends coming along and it was a bit of an adventure.

Family and Friends 2018
The only problem to this is that I let my anxiety get the better of me, worrying about them, if they were having a good time, what they thought of it etc and it affected me quite badly.

The wonderful Beverley
Also, I had decided last year that I was going to enter Miss Twinwood and had spent a LOT of money having dresses made, getting a wig made, and making sure all my accessories matched my outfits etc.

With my Sister
Sadly I didn’t get through to the final but I still had all the outfits and made the most of wearing them. However, it was a huge amount of effort, Rather than be myself, relaxing and enjoying things, I was very conscious of the fact that I wore the outfits I had commissioned, even though the weather was scorching and I was roasting underneath all the layers of petticoats, skirts and wig.

The Lovely Lynda and Dean
I wanted to look my absolute best, to the detriment of my own enjoyment.
Don’t get me wrong; I had a wonderful time. I loved the performances, I relished meeting friends, old and new and dancing the night away.

Tricky Dicky Tree 2017
But I didn’t relax. I was on edge and anxious.
Having my family there was a blessing. They were able to talk me down from some of my nerves and helped me get ready.

Netty 2018
Anyway, I can honestly say I have learnt my lesson.
This year I am going to be a different person. I have not commissioned anything. I don’t have new shoes or hats. I won’t be wearing a wig.

Carmen Miranda Style…
What I will be wearing are items of clothing I already possess. Dresses that I love and very well may have been seen before. Blogged about. Reviewed.
And I really don’t care!
Last year I wanted to make sure I looked my best. Vintage style finery that no-one had ever seen before. Premiered at THE event.

Twinwood 2017
Yes, it was wonderful. I loved my outfits, but were they totally practical? Comfortable? Durable no matter what the weather?
Sitting wrapped in coats and a sleeping bag in the main area on Sunday evening, absolutely freezing but insisting I wore a strapless cocktail gown.

Sunday 2018
Stupid really. But I looked great lol.
So, this year I am aiming for practicality. I still intend on wearing some fabulous clothes and accessories, but ones that will work, come rain or come shine.

The sublime Richard and Jenny Tree
Oh and the other thing I probably should mention….. I may be on a mobility scooter…..
Till next time,