Shooting Party

Several months ago I saw an offer from the wonderful Lynsey Le Keux and her fabulous salon in Birmingham. A 2-4-1 shoot with hair and make-up costing only £99.

Well, at less than £50 each it seemed like another jolly adventure in my plus sized life and one I knew my blog wifey Boo might be interested in. I Whatsapped her and proposed an outing and she jumped at the chance.

Deciding to do it as a kind of birthday/christmas treat, we waited until nearly the end of November to go up to Birmingham and have our shoot.

Le Keux Salon, Lynsey Le Keux, Vintage Photoshoot, Vintage Salon, Photoshoot, Plus Size Photoshoot, Vixen by Micheline Pitt, Plus Size Blogger, Plus Size Adventures, Plus Size Model, Plus Size Clothing, Size 26 Style, Plus Size. Vintage Girl, Haunted Honey Dress, Glitz and Glamour Dress, Louboutins, High Heels, Carl Brown wigs

Waiting for Boo

Arriving at the salon around 1130am on a Saturday morning, we pulled our suitcases full of all the items we had chosen to take with us as we had organised to have a couple of changes during the shoot.

Lynsey welcomed us in and the first thing I saw was my beautiful Carl Brown wig being brushed ready for the shoot. I was getting so excited to see what we were going to get up to.

Le Keux Salon, Lynsey Le Keux, Vintage Photoshoot, Vintage Salon, Photoshoot, Plus Size Photoshoot, Vixen by Micheline Pitt, Plus Size Blogger, Plus Size Adventures, Plus Size Model, Plus Size Clothing, Size 26 Style, Plus Size. Vintage Girl, Haunted Honey Dress, Glitz and Glamour Dress, Louboutins, High Heels, Carl Brown wigs

Almost ready to go!

The night before I had woken up in the middle of the night and had an epiphany. I wanted to try out a different kind of shoot and wondered whether Lynsey would be up for it. Well, I could only ask!

What I was thinking of was something along the lines of the Queen video ‘I want to break free’. Rollers, no make-up, nightie, the full works.

Of course when I ran it by Lynsey she was totally up for it.


She started off by putting some curlers in my scruffy dry hair, added a headscarf and I immediately looked like Hilda Ogden (for those of you old enough to remember).

Le Keux Salon, Lynsey Le Keux, Vintage Photoshoot, Vintage Salon, Photoshoot, Plus Size Photoshoot, Vixen by Micheline Pitt, Plus Size Blogger, Plus Size Adventures, Plus Size Model, Plus Size Clothing, Size 26 Style, Plus Size. Vintage Girl, Haunted Honey Dress, Glitz and Glamour Dress, Louboutins, High Heels, Carl Brown wigs

An attractive look!

Taking me into the kitchen area we started larking around with a hoover, all the while the song was going round in my brain. Lynsey directed my poses as Boo stood watching and making me laugh!

Le Keux Salon, Lynsey Le Keux, Vintage Photoshoot, Vintage Salon, Photoshoot, Plus Size Photoshoot, Vixen by Micheline Pitt, Plus Size Blogger, Plus Size Adventures, Plus Size Model, Plus Size Clothing, Size 26 Style, Plus Size. Vintage Girl, Haunted Honey Dress, Glitz and Glamour Dress, Louboutins, High Heels, Carl Brown wigs

Just call me Hilda!

Eventually we finished the first set of poses I got my actual make up done. As I was going to be wearing a wig, my hair didn’t need doing.

Le Keux Salon, Lynsey Le Keux, Vintage Photoshoot, Vintage Salon, Photoshoot, Plus Size Photoshoot, Vixen by Micheline Pitt, Plus Size Blogger, Plus Size Adventures, Plus Size Model, Plus Size Clothing, Size 26 Style, Plus Size. Vintage Girl, Haunted Honey Dress, Glitz and Glamour Dress, Louboutins, High Heels, Carl Brown wigs

Make up. Done.

Boo then had her make up done whilst I sat chilling for a bit. There was some rock n roll on and I was happy to sit chatting with them both.

Le Keux Salon, Lynsey Le Keux, Vintage Photoshoot, Vintage Salon, Photoshoot, Plus Size Photoshoot, Vixen by Micheline Pitt, Plus Size Blogger, Plus Size Adventures, Plus Size Model, Plus Size Clothing, Size 26 Style, Plus Size. Vintage Girl, Haunted Honey Dress, Glitz and Glamour Dress, Louboutins, High Heels, Carl Brown wigs

Loving the look

Boo put her first outfit on and looked smoking hot!

Vegan leather top and skirt from Micheline Pitt really hit the spot and the make up and hair matched perfectly. She literally was a vixen and the cheeky poses she pulled were on point.

Le Keux Salon, Lynsey Le Keux, Vintage Photoshoot, Vintage Salon, Photoshoot, Plus Size Photoshoot, Vixen by Micheline Pitt, Plus Size Blogger, Plus Size Adventures, Plus Size Model, Plus Size Clothing, Size 26 Style, Plus Size. Vintage Girl, Haunted Honey Dress, Glitz and Glamour Dress, Louboutins, High Heels, Carl Brown wigs

Smoking Hot

Then it was my turn. I put on a pink Micheline Pitt ‘Glitz and Glamour’ dress and all the accessories. I wanted to go from being a plain jane to Jane Mansfield!

Le Keux Salon, Lynsey Le Keux, Vintage Photoshoot, Vintage Salon, Photoshoot, Plus Size Photoshoot, Vixen by Micheline Pitt, Plus Size Blogger, Plus Size Adventures, Plus Size Model, Plus Size Clothing, Size 26 Style, Plus Size. Vintage Girl, Haunted Honey Dress, Glitz and Glamour Dress, Louboutins, High Heels, Carl Brown wigs

Pretty in Pink

Well a dark haired one, anyway.

After posing for loads of pictures we had some joint photographs taken which was really good fun.

By this time a few hours had passed and we decided to order some food to be delivered; Five Guys was the choice and I was more than excited for my burger to arrive. Lynsey provided some beer and I was happy as a lark.

Le Keux Salon, Lynsey Le Keux, Vintage Photoshoot, Vintage Salon, Photoshoot, Plus Size Photoshoot, Vixen by Micheline Pitt, Plus Size Blogger, Plus Size Adventures, Plus Size Model, Plus Size Clothing, Size 26 Style, Plus Size. Vintage Girl, Haunted Honey Dress, Glitz and Glamour Dress, Louboutins, High Heels, Carl Brown wigs

Boo at her Best

Once we had finished it was time for a clothing change for us both, and I went for the Haunted Honey dress and Boo went for a gorgeous burgundy velvet gown. Both had changes of lipstick colour and then we were ready to go.

Boo Took centre stage and looked absolutely divine. The dark burgundy really suited her complexion and hair colour, as did the lipstick.

Le Keux Salon, Lynsey Le Keux, Vintage Photoshoot, Vintage Salon, Photoshoot, Plus Size Photoshoot, Vixen by Micheline Pitt, Plus Size Blogger, Plus Size Adventures, Plus Size Model, Plus Size Clothing, Size 26 Style, Plus Size. Vintage Girl, Haunted Honey Dress, Glitz and Glamour Dress, Louboutins, High Heels, Carl Brown wigs

Mid shoot

Whilst Boo was shooting I was getting changed into my dress and accessories. A new hair flower was added.

My final photos were taken around the salon with a beautifully decorated vintage screen. We mimicked some of the poses and had a lot of fun with it.

Le Keux Salon, Lynsey Le Keux, Vintage Photoshoot, Vintage Salon, Photoshoot, Plus Size Photoshoot, Vixen by Micheline Pitt, Plus Size Blogger, Plus Size Adventures, Plus Size Model, Plus Size Clothing, Size 26 Style, Plus Size. Vintage Girl, Haunted Honey Dress, Glitz and Glamour Dress, Louboutins, High Heels, Carl Brown wigs

Selfie time

Eventually it was time to finish up. We had physically been there for over seven hours!

We packed up all our belongings and ordered an Uber back to the train station. We were hoping to do a little shopping before our trains but time had escaped us and we sat for a short while until the train platforms were announced.

Le Keux Salon, Lynsey Le Keux, Vintage Photoshoot, Vintage Salon, Photoshoot, Plus Size Photoshoot, Vixen by Micheline Pitt, Plus Size Blogger, Plus Size Adventures, Plus Size Model, Plus Size Clothing, Size 26 Style, Plus Size. Vintage Girl, Haunted Honey Dress, Glitz and Glamour Dress, Louboutins, High Heels, Carl Brown wigs

Haunted Honey

Sadly this is where mine went a little pear shaped!

Platform 4 was given and I trundled along with my case and walking stick. Arriving on it with about 5 minutes to go, we were all a little shocked when they suddenly changed it to platform 1a with little time to spare.

Getting back to the concourse I was really unhappy to find the lift down to 1a wasn’t working. I struggled down the stairs and arrived at the bottom where a heavily pregnant woman apologised to me for not being able to help me, even when lots of other people had rushed past without a thought.

I was really choked up her apology and thanked her profusely.

It was then that the platform changed back to 4!

The conductors on 1a advised we could go back to 4 and had about 2 minutes to get there. I explained that it would take me forever and a day to make it to the top. They told me I could wait for the one that was on platform 1a but it wasn’t leaving for another 3o minutes.

I sat down to wait as there was no way I could get back across to the other platform. It was a bit nippy but I had some supplies from M&S to see me through.

All I needed to do now was wait patiently for the photographic proofs!

Till next time,

SPSG xxx


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