The Big FIVE

Last Saturday I came to a realisation. A very important one.

It was the 11th January 2020. A momentous day indeed.

My blog turned FIVE!

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My first ever blog

(This is where I have to admit that I forgot I was in 2020 and advised on social media that it was four years old)

My first few blogs were very short and I really didn’t have a very good grasp on things. Postings were sporadic and the photos were not the best either.

However, I set my pen to paper and really started to love what I was doing. I found a flair for prose and adventure with it.

As many of you know, I have had numerous adventures, travels and events. I have showcased outfits, hairstyles and more. I have shared concerts, gigs and theatre trips and there is still more to come.

But for now I want to extend my thanks to you all. You have literally made me carry on doing this, even when times have been really tough; ill health, financial woes and a promotion which whilst great for my career leaves me with little time to write.

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Only a month old

Back in the beginning I had so much more time. It has only been in the last year that I realised that I don’t have nearly enough hours in the day to try and fit everything in. This is when I realised that it was so much easier in the beginning.

As I said, in the beginning my blogs were shorter which of course made them quicker to write,  easier to post and I wasn’t tagging things, linking sites or posting lots of photos.

When my blog grew I started to get more on the ball and my posts grew and grew. At the time I had a really slow desktop PC and if I wanted to upload photographs it would take me HOURS.

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The highlight and lowlight of my blogging ‘career’

It made my blogging very difficult as I could write a post in 40 minutes and then spend 4 hours trying to add photos. It was so frustrating that I very nearly gave up.

Thankfully I got my hands on a laptop which had a much faster processor and memory that it changed my blogging overnight.

Once that happened I found a new love for the process. But there still aren’t enough hours in a week so the posts are less frequent, but hopefully not less interesting.

Anyway, this started off as a thank you and really should continue as such.

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One of my adventures

The list of people I have to thank is not too long a one.

Firstly You. The readers, followers, posters and sharers. I honestly wouldn’t have done all this if you hadn’t gone along with me, supporting and reading me.

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Where I have been read in the past THREE years!!!

The companies, crafters, PR people and blogging groups that have put opportunities and wonderful items my way. Thank you.

Paul Burley. Computer Geek, Dr Who Freak and the most lovely man who keeps my blog up and running and calms me down when I have had a blog related meltdown.

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Blog Genius

Rebecca ‘Boo’ Brown. Travel Partner extraordinaire, fab fat blogger and a bloody great pal.

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My Mate Boo

And finally my family and friends who support my writing and let me go off on my little adventures.

Hopefully here is to another five years and more!

Till next time,

SPSG xxx