For those who follow me regularly, you will know of a recent photoshoot that Boo and I had in Birmingham with the lovely Lynsey LeKeux at her salon.
If you missed the post you can read it here
Well I had hundreds of photos to choose from and I had to narrow it down to nine. A plain and simple nine.

Cousin It
In the meantime though, I thought I could share a few more Behind the Scenes shots that Boo and I took.

Looking a bit better
So, I knew it wasn’t going to be easy but I started narrowing it down. From 400+ photos I narrowed it down to 213.
Then another cull and I narrowed it down to 178.
I was still a long way off so I sat down to try and get rid of duplicates and ones with slight shadow, grimaces or unflattering angles (of which there were not very many)

Eyes Closed… Wouldn’t make the cut!
After another look, I managed to get it down to 53. Still a very long way off the number I needed.
Of course, I would love to buy all of them however finances and practicalities meant that this was impossible. So I needed to work even harder.
After much cogitation I managed to get to 17. I really could do this. After discussing things with Boo I finally got my choices down to exactly what I needed.

Readers Wives?
My top nine.
I emailed the lovely Lyndsey and gave her my nine choices. These would now be given to her lovely assistant to edit and present them in the best possible light.
So…. here we are, waiting for the finished articles and chomping at the bit as I am such an impatient person.

Pouting like a Pro
Hopefully in the next few weeks the proper ones will arrive and I can then share them with you.
Until then…..