As you know I recently had a photoshoot with the bestie blogger babe, Boo.
This was done by the wonderful Lynsey Le Keux at her Salon in Birmingham and was a total blast!
Over the past few blogs I have talked about it, shown some teasers and behind the scenes pictures and now I have the final edits to show.
I have already shown a couple of them in a recent blog about being yourself in a blog called ‘I want to break free’ which you can read here if you missed it.
Anyway the glamorous pictures really gave me a sense of pride.
Yes, I am plus sized.

In all my Glory
Yes, I am nearly 46 years old.

Strike a Pose
Yes, I wear wigs,

Mirror, Mirror
Yes I am in a corset and No, I really can’t walk in those shoes (anymore)

Mirror Image?
We had a fantastic day. Over 7 hours we were shooting and even took a break in the middle for takeout Five Guys.
There were over 400 photographs to choose from and I had to cut them down to nine. And what a job and a half that was!

Blogger Besties
The rest of them are kept on file in case either of us want to order a couple more.
And I am very tempted.

What’s the Secret?
I had to leave a few other favourites behind and it was a really tough decision. One I spent a few hours deliberating over.
However, I am really pleased with my choices and hope that you think I made the right choices too.

If you are thinking about having a photoshoot, I highly recommend it, especially one that is vintage inspired.
It gives you a chance to try being ‘someone’ different for a day. To try out new styles. To live out a fantasy persona.
And it is really good fun!
Till next time,
SPSG xxx