As you all know, I was due to go off to Athens for five days with Boo and I do like to look my best!
I had an appointment with the fabulous Lu at QL Salon and I was planning on having a small trim. Nothing major or overly exciting, unlike normal.
The fact that I was going on my jollies the next day meant I didn’t have a huge amount of time or money, however Lu took one look at my hair and said ‘You cannot go on holiday with roots like that!’

Oh Lord…..
She took a few photographs and I have to admit, she was right. My hair was bloody shocking!
The colour had faded out, my natural grey was coming through in its droves and I genuinely didn’t realise quite what it looked like from the back.

Erm… Not a lot that can be said!
It was absolutely awful!
Lou asked me if there was anything specific that I wanted or didn’t want. I told her to do her thing and I was positive it would all turn out ok.
She proceeded to get out her mixing pots and potions. I had no idea what she was doing, but I was happy sitting in the chair and having something done.

All dyed up
I have always trusted Lu to do a fantastic job, so I had no qualms about trusting her now. And lets face it, the starting look wasn’t doing too good!
There was another client in the chairs who was having an amazing rainbow slice put under ice blonde/grey hair. It was so funky and I really lusted over the look, but I was not going to cut off all my hair and have a short ‘do’ after having spent all year growing it again!

Look at the Grey!
Eventually Lu called me over to be washed off and told me that she had given me black roots, with magenta and copper flashes.
I was really excited to see it and when I sat in the mirror I was surprised to see just black hair. Did I mishear Lu?
Well, obviously not!

Drying Time
By the time she had blow dried my hair it was a sleek long bob with deep magenta and almost rose-gold sections. It was divine.

Look at that shine!
Lu wanted to take some extra pictures so after she had taken the smooth bob photos, she used some straighteners so add a bit of curl and took a lot more photographs.

Finally it was time to go home and show off the new look!

Just sublime
So,what do you think? And what should I get Lu to do next time?

So special
Till then,
SPSG xxx