A girls crowning glory. Well, before Lockdown anyway!
For many, the fact that their hairdresser is shut, that hair dye is at a premium and there is a LOT of boredom going on right now is a problem.
People are heading for their scissors and taking drastic action!

Growing old Gracefully
For me, I have stepped away from the home dye/fringe cuts because I have been there, done that! Colours galore and dodgy fringe trims have littered my past and I have worked far too hard to go and mess it all up now.

The Day After
My problem is that I have a low boredom threshold.
I get to a point where my hair is beautiful and I adore it. And then along comes a weekend where I am not up to much and decide to throw a colour on it.
To prove this point…. Lucie Louella who did the most amazing job a few years ago. She took me from dark brown/red to a stunning auburn and eventually to a peroxide blonde.

Spring 2016

By Lucie Louella

Till I messed it up.

What an Idiot!
In a fit of boredom I added blue streaks that were supposed to last 8 washes. Several months later they were still there.
So I went grey.

Quite fond of the Grey
Then Darker grey.

Modelling for Bohemian Finds
Then Black. All from peroxide blonde.

I was bored…
Fast forward to last year and I had the most amazing makeover at QL Salon. I went in not knowing quite what I was going to come out like and I absolutely loved the auburn hair with rainbow sections at the rear.

QL Salon Style

Rainbow Hair
Then it got to the middle of the year and during a hair appointment I shocked Lu by telling her to put in an undercut.

Even Shorter
And to be fair, I bloody loved it.
What I didn’t take into consideration was the fact that I wouldn’t be able to do my vintage hairstyles any longer. In fact, I wouldn’t be able to style it at all!
This didn’t become apparent until my first vintage event and my hair just didn’t work. I was at a loss as I had kind of ‘got’ out of the habit of doing it every day.
So, where am I going with this?
Well, as tempting as it is to reach for the bottle of dye (of which I have lots of colours at home) I have also learnt a little lesson.
Over recent weeks, my hair has been the best it has looked.

More Au-Naturel

Loving it again

Babylis created curls
Lu at QL did a great job of dyeing it just before I went to Greece and since then I have been taking better care of it, reducing the amount of heat and stress I put it through.

Holiday ready
I suffer from stress eczema in my hair and when it gets bad, it is full of sores and very dry and scabby. This means I also try and reduce the amount of washing that I put it through too.
If you saw a recent post, you will have seen the Secret Curl gadget that I had started to use. If you missed it, you can read it here.

Wedding Glam
Well, I have managed to get a bit more used to using the equipment and can now do my whole head in around 30 minutes.
Once used, I run my hands through my curls, get my trusty Denman natural bristle brush and give it a little styling and ta-dah… A semi-vintage curl/wave with a high swooped fringe.

2 days old
If I set it, take care of it and brush it gently then it can usually last me 3 days. Perfect for my scalp and reducing the heating products to only twice a week, which is definitely better than straightening it every day!

Curlin’ it
In fact if I ignore the grey/white that is appearing at the crown of my head, I really like my hair at the moment!
So there you go, the main reason why I won’t be giving into the boredom and doing my own trimming and touching up.
It just isn’t worth it.
Till next time,
SPSG xxx