Over Easter I did a quick post about my Easter Bonnet which happened to be a true vintage straw platter hat which I absolutely adore.

True Vintage
In my blog I promised that I would do a full post about all my hats and so last week I decided to get all the plastic boxes down from the top of the wardrobes in my dressing room. There were only four boxes so I didn’t think it would take that long.
How wrong could I be!?!
Over 3 hours later and 60+ hats tried on, I finally finished snapping photographs.
I have to admit that I genuinely didn’t know that I had so many hats and I know there are quite a few there that I have never worn.
This was mainly due to the fact that when I first started wearing vintage I couldn’t get a lot of clothes to fit me and so I focused on the accessories, planning to then get outfits to match.
This never happened and so I now find myself with an explosion of hats that I had kind of forgotten about, yet a lot more vintage/repro clothing that I could wear as a perfect match.
Sometimes hats that I bought were totally not as I expected; the wrong era or photographs just didn’t show the true styling of the hat. That probably doesn’t make a lot of sense at this point, however when you see them, it should become apparent.
For the purpose of the post I wore a plain white cotton shirt so that I could wear every hat without needing a change of clothing. It seemed the simple option and I hope you think that it really worked.

All ready to go!
Part and parcel of trying the hats on was that I had also entered into a collaboration with the amazing @somethingdefinitely happened on Instagram which we call #hatsaroundthehouse which is basically a post every day of us sharing a hat that we currently own
Both of us were a little embarrassed of just how many hats we own, but it is a pretty good way of showing them off!
If hats are your thing, please feel free to come and join us using the hashtag #hatsaroundthehouse
Anyway, as much as I want to show off ALL the hats that I took photographs off, I think that 60+ hat pictures would be pretty boring and make for a massive post.
Well, unless you are a total mad hatter, just like we are!
For now, I will add a few of the hats that are the ‘also rans’.
By this I mean hats that I have never worn, are not as expected or I think are just ‘not me’. I will do a further post showing my favourites and the ones I think that are truly special.
So here we go….. some of the weird and wonderful!

Repro 70’s Style Straw Sun hat
This one looked like a straight brim sun hat when I saw it online. It was only on arrival that it was a more floppy soft hat. I think I could probably do something with it to stiffen it up and potentially add some flowers. I don’t wear it at the moment so it could be a great starter project!
Next up is a stunning soft pill-box type hat. This was one that I bought online but was a bit mistaken about the style. I had a stunning green dress that I was looking at accessories for. This velvet hat came up and was spot on. When it arrived I have to admit I was stunned by the absolutely perfect condition.

Worn at the back of the head
It literally looks like it has never been worn.

Pristine Condition
Sadly it really doesn’t suit my shape of face, nor my hairstyle, so I think this will be one to sell.

Still not sure on this one
This next beauty is another for the sale pile. It is a glorious navy velvet pill-box bt Bourne and Hollingsworth that I got online with a couple of others in one lot. I have to admit I am not sure quite how to wear this hat as it seems massive on the top of my head.

Just not a good fit
I have to admit I am not sure quite how to wear this hat as it seems massive on the top of my head.

Looks kind of ok from this angle….
I tried it tilted and it didn’t work that way either.

Absolutely not for me!
Maybe I have a small head (I genuinely don’t think I do) but this sits like a tray on my head and is probably the worst fitting one I have, hence why I won’t be keeping it.
This next hat has no labels or markings and came in the same lot from eBay.

Nope. Just Nope
It is a lovely colour; a Chocolately/Shiraz colour and in very good condition. It is just another hat that I don’t have an outfit for and there may be someone out there that is looking for something just like this to complete theirs!
My next hat is an original vintage hat that I actually won in a competition a few years back, I think on Instagram. I am afraid to say I cannot remember the where’s, why’s and also whose competition it was (if it was you, please let me know)
It is a beautiful gold pill-box hat made by Delmore with black beading. A real stunner.

A Delmore Hat
It has a wavy front and it is pristine. I wish I knew how to wear it because surely it is not meant to be worn the way I have put it on?!?

Simply doesn’t suit!
The back has a lovely bow and the shimmer of the material really does catch the eye. I don’t really want to get rid of this one, I just need to learn how best to show it (and me) off.

Moving on, I have this lovely and very unusual hat. It was one of the very first hats I ever bought (in 2014)and I have only ever worn it for photographs.

Graham Smith Made
I loved the hat due to the attached black snood. The whole look reminded me of an air hostess’ hat from the Emirates flights, back in the day.

Graham Smith for Kangol
This hat looks great when I had a fringe, but not so good without. Whilst I have had it 6 years without a single wear out, I am not sure that it will ever get worn. The jury is still out at the moment on whether I sell it.

Kangol Style
This next hat is one I can barely remember and I know for sure that I haven’t worn it! It is definitely old and definitely small!

Not even sure about this one….
If I could wear it just like a beret then I think it would get a lot of wear, however it is just a bit small on my head; Maybe I DO have a big head?!?

It *is* cute though
It has a bit of sparkle and is very soft, I just don’t know when I would wear it.
The very last hat I am going to share is a bit of a silly one! Several years ago the family and I had a murder mystery night which was based in Egypt on an Archaeological dig in the 1920’s. I was to be a male doctor and I naturally assumed that I would be a Doctor of Antiquities or maybe Hieroglyphics.
I dyed a shirt, work utility shorts, painted a moustache on and had a magnifying glass and small paintbrush for the dig.
It was only during the dialogue that it turned out I was actually a MEDICAL DOCTOR!
Of course, no dig costume would have been complete without a Pith helmet. Somehow I still seem to have it.
So there you have a few of the ‘undesirables’
Next time, I will be showing you all of the one that I really love!
Until then,
SPSG xxx