In the past I have spoken about a friend I have that is very talented in so many ways!
Jane and I first met at a plus size gathering and realised we were quite local to each other. We stayed in touch and have met up for meals, cups of tea and a bit of a natter.

Janes Millinery
A couple of years ago, Jane branched out into learning how to make hats, fascinators and hair flowers. I am very proud to say that I own several of her creations and wear them frequently, especially the flowers!

Janes Hair Accessories
Jane is one of the categories of people that have had to stay isolated during the COVID situation and has taken the time to learn how to sculpt, paint and create the most amazing acrylic nail art.

Perfect Pink
She was posting some of her stunning designs on Instagram and asked if I wanted to give them a try. Now, at the time I had managed to grow my nails pretty long during the lockdown and was concerned they may be damaged by the nails.

Teal Treasures
As Janes nails are either sticky pad or glue on nails, they wouldn’t cause the damage that a full set done by a salon would do.

Ravishing Red
Obviously as Jane was still shielding, it would be impossible to get a set made for me, wouldn’t it?

Supreme Stripes
Well no, as I was to find out.

Golden Glory
Jane was able to send me really easy instructions on how to measure my nails and send her the numbers. It literally was as simple as putting a piece of micropore tape on each of my nails, pushing down into the side where the nail meets the skin, marking with a pen and then taking it off and measuring with a tape or ruler.

Brilliant Black
The whole process took literally five minutes.
I did a little hand shape on a piece of paper and wrote the measurements down. I took a snap and sent it through to Janes phone.

Fabulous Fireworks
Four days later I had a small package arrive through my letterbox.
At first I didn’t even know what it was as I wasn’t expecting anything and really didn’t think Jane would have managed to create a set for me just yet.

Marvellous Marble
I was so wrong, it was unreal.
Jane had not only managed to create me some nails, she had created FOUR sets for me.
One set is a long blue set. Three have small golden arrow point jewels on the bottom and two are gold, blue and turquoise marble effect. They are almost a coffin shape and are very glamorous.

Brilliant Blue
The second is a lovely purple set. These are a pointed almond like shape and much plainer. Well, I say plainer, there are two that have a swirling galaxy pattern.
They are very decorative indeed.

Purple Passion
The third set is a total stunner. They remind me of ‘Nightmare before Christmas’
I love then contrast between the stern black and white and the frivolous fancy roses.

Bloomin’ Beautiful
I have the perfect outfit for this and cannot wait!
The last set are very much ‘me’. Dark red with some glossy and others matt. They also have individual gold and clear crystal gem designs on four of the nails. They have a square top shape and would be something I would want to wear day to day.

Magnificent Maroon
I have to admit, I absolutely loved all three sets and would find it hard to say which was my favourite as they all have their own merits.

Joyous Jewels
However, the dark red probably ace it for me a little. They are a little shorter, a bit more manageable without sacrificing style. The gemstone decoration is so very precise and pretty and I love the fact that they are all different.
Jane had put a sticky pad on each nail for quick attachment but had also included a bottle of nail glue in case I wanted to affix them a little more permanently.

Pads or Glue?
The only question now was which set to wear first!
Well of course it had to be the red.

So Glamorous
Sadly at this point, Jane is only making these as a hobby during COVID-19/ The best I can suggest is go and give her a like over at Instagram on Janey_67 and look out for further information!

Serious Swirls
I am sure she would be more than willing to have a chat about her art and what she can do.

Right up my street
Till next time,
SPSG xxx