For those who read me regularly, you may recall a day out I had with my baba boy, Theodore the Chow-Chow.
Now, Baba (as he is called affectionately) is a bit of a Diva. We have worked out that he is not overly bright, however he picks up on certain behaviours and once recognised, copies them perfectly.
For example, we regularly walk around a lake. He had never once tried to get in it. Then on one visit he saw two Spaniels frolicking around in the water.
Boom. Every time now, he wants to swim!

Chilling in the Sun
Another example is out in the back garden. He goes out and stays as long as he can. He never once tried to get in until my Sisters dog, Billy came for a visit. Billy always taps on the door to come in, so now Theodore bashes the door down to come in.

Waiting at the door after knocking on it a dozen times!
He even learnt a new trick whilst on his photoshoot; seeing dogs walking along with sticks in their mouths, again something he had never done. Now he is pulling out the sticks from out vegetable garden that the peas are training up against and walking around like he is the cleverest dog on the planet!
So, it really should be no surprise that when he hears a camera, he starts to pose.

No, he doesn’t listen to me either!
He is used to me going out into the garden and taking photos for my blog (which he always photobombs). We should have realised that he was just ape-ing my behaviour, standing and strutting as soon as the camera starts to click.

Pooching around
That meant when he met Adrian at a Country park with a huge camera, he was ready to ‘do his thing’.
We walked further into the park and found some great backdrops for taking photos. Wooded areas, patches of bracken and ferns, just perfect really.
Of course, Baba was at his happiest when meeting new people and other floofs that were also using the park. Every time someone came towards him, he started to get excited and wanted to play.
This made for some strange situations when trying to take the photographs, however it was also good fun.
Adrian had asked what kind of shots I wanted and whilst I would have loved some photos of Baba running wild in the woods, knowing he has no recall AT all, means if he is let off the lead, he is going to run and just keep on running.

Fantastic and Ferny
Sadly, although this meant that he couldn’t be ‘free’, it didn’t mean there weren’t some wonderful shots. Adrian explained that although he was on a lead, he would airbrush the lead out so it wouldn’t ruin the photographs.
Anyway, after around 90 minutes of taking shots, Adrian thought he had some fantastic images and we called it a day.

Just mooching about
Theodore, obviously had worn himself out by being to adorable and slept the whole of the way home! Curled up on the front seat of my little mini.
And boy, can he snore!!!

Perfect Posing
Anyway, Adrian said he would let me know when the photographs were ready for me to view. Less than a week later he called and asked when I would like to go and see the results.
I booked an appointment with him for the next day and Baba and I travelled to Bedford on a glorious sunny day to see what had been captured.

On the Hunt
Well, I was absolutely thrilled with the results!
None of the photographs have been ‘altered’ apart from taking the lead out. The colours, backgrounds and poses are all as they legitimately happened.

My Baba
And they were stunning.
I loved every single one and for many different reasons.

What a smile!
Obviously I couldn’t get every single photograph, so it meant scaling them down in numbers. There were over 30 that Adrian had showcased and I had to look at each one in detail and decide whether it made the ‘cut’
This was the best way of narrowing the numbers down.

Posing Pooch
I took the option of looking at a photograph, comparing it to another and cutting or keeping.
Eventually I had it narrowed down to a manageable amount and made my final decision.

One of my absolute favourites!
The pictures that you see in this blog are those final results. The ones I had to have, that were so beautiful I couldn’t cut them from the list.

A Woodland Walk
And I couldn’t be more pleased.
Hopefully you will agree that these are absolute stunners. I also have a fantastic offer for my readers!

Strike a Pose
Adrian has offered me five free photoshoots to give away….
Just visit https://www.k-9photography.com/secretplussizegoddess/
I am sure you will love his work as much as I did!

What a sweetheart
Till next time,
SPSG and Baba xxx