Down on the Farm

Back when the children were younger we used to take them around the Country on days out as many families do.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

A Warm Welcome

The usual places, the beach, park, theme park, museum, galleries and the perennial favourite, Zoo and Safari Parks. I have lost count of the amount of times I have driven round Woburn and walked for miles around Whipsnade.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

One Way and Social Distancing

I am also not quite sure who enjoyed it the most; their Dad or them, but I have my suspicions.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

Not very old!

As they entered their teenage years, they point blank refused to go as their interests changed to Harry Potter Studios, Gigs and Festivals.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

All Puffed Up!

And that was absolutely fine.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

My Favourite Photo of the Day

Fast forward several years and during the Spring of 2020 hubby and his Mum were watching ‘Spring at Jimmys Farm’ or some such title. I wasn’t paying much attention as I had just walked in from work, as had Baby Bear.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

My Second Favourite

All of a sudden our eyes were drawn to the TV.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

Beautiful and SO friendly


Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

I love Meerkats!

More specifically, one specific meerkat, who aptly had been called Steve McQueen.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK


If you haven’t seen or heard about this, simply google Jimmys Farm Steve McQueen and you find numerous clips of this cute little meerkat escaping his enclosure and running loose all over the farm with keepers chasing him with big nets.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK


Absolutely hilarious and very ‘Catch the Pigeon’  for those of you old enough to remember.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK


Over the course of the three episodes, Jimmy and his team had put up different ‘escape proof’ additions to the enclosure, yet Steve still somehow managed to get out and run riot!

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK


It was absolutely hilarious and had everyone including Baby Bear in fits of laughter.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

Gotta be Steve???

Fast forward through lockdown and it was coming up to my birthday. As it was the beginning of July, most places had only just been allowed to start opening up and Baby Bear was ecstatic to discover that Jimmy had just re-opened his Farm!

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

Black Sheep of the Family

Birthday sorted.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

Baby Bear fell in love with the Pony

On a very sunny Sunday we piled into her smashing little Mini and headed over to Suffolk which is where the Farm is situated.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

Can smell the food…

The farm had instigated a social distancing policy which meant that you had to book a slot and turn up within that designated hour. You could then stay as long as you wanted, however once that slot sold out, you would have to book another until there were none left.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

I want a curly haired pig!!!

This meant that the Farm wouldn’t be too overcrowded and that suited me down to the ground.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

Furry Pig

We arrived at the Farm and queued to enter. There was probably about 20 families all sensibly and socially distancing in the queue and we got in really quickly and safely.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

No idea what this was…..

Going through the entrance, you had the opportunity to buy some animal feed for £1 a bag. We took four and excitedly entered into the farm area, which had been organised into a one-way system.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

A bit skittish

Jimmys Farm is the home to rare breeds and some familiar favourites such as alpaca and of course, meerkats.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

Getting Closer…

We had such a good time walking around the Farm. Animals happily came up and greeted you (for food, obviously) and I had a whale of a time taking pictures.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

Feeding the Emus

Walking around the Farm we headed into the woods which we were reliably informed had a pub half way through it. We were also keen to try some of their special sausage rolls.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

Pretty birds

The trek almost killed Mum and I due to our dodgy knees, but when we sat at a bench with a cold drink and a mahoosive sausage roll, it was worth every step.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

Mama and Baby

We carried on our walk, seeing Reindeer, Cameroonian Goats and eventually Steve McQueen and his meerkat mates!

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

How cute?

Finally we left the animal area and walked through to the food shop and cafe area. Thankfully the shop had several sausage rolls left so we took some home along with some cheese and bacon pastry slices.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

Absolutely Huge!

Knowing that the cafe has some amazing burgers, Baby Bear and the husband went to get one to try, after all it would a real shame to not give them a go. I had a nibble of theirs and have to admit it was probably the best burger I have ever tasted.

Jimmys Farm, Jimmy and Jamie, Rare Breeds Farm, Steve McQueen, Meerkat Escape, Steve the Meerkat, Animal Park, Family Time, Making Memories, COVID Memories, Social Distancing, COVID days out, Family Days Out, UK Days Out, Days Out in the UK

An Amazing Experience

All in all….. a perfect end to the perfect day AND birthday weekend!

Till next time,

SPSG xxx