Back in early 2019 I had some semi permanent eyebrows done by the amazing Lu at Q.L Salon.
For nearly 18 months they have been just fine and dandy and I had no complaints or issues.
However, I have noticed in the past few months that they have become paler and also lop-sided!
Just how have they become lop-sided you might ask?

A bit wonky!
Well, its all a matter of age if I am honest!
Back when I first had my eyebrow treatment, I had one deep furrow in between my eyebrows which had been there for several years. In the past few months a second one has come along to join them.
The simple appearance of that second line had altered the shape of my forehead and pulled them out of alignment. Lu had reassured me that it was nothing that could not be fixed and asked if I was free to come to the salon where she was holding a training course through the Q.L Academy for brow work.
I was more than happy to act as a guinea pig and so I popped down one Tuesday in October to get myself sorted out.
Now, if you read my regularly you will see that Lu sorted out more than just my brows as she managed to fix my grim hair dye job which you can see and read about here.

Grim to Glam
Lu had been training up the lovely Sarah who would be offering brow treatments in her own salon in Leicester. She needed to work on actual human brows and I would be going on the Salon bed for a little remedial work.
Sarah started off by mapping my face and the location of the eyebrows I had already got. She marked the points that needed addressing, and also the sparse areas which had faded somewhat from my previous semi-permanent eyebrows.

Mapping my Brows
Then a numbing cream was put on to my brows so that a fresh scalpel dipped in the colour could be used to incise the individual brow strokes.
After a little while of that working it’s magic, it was time for the scalpel.
To be honest, I didn’t feel an ounce of pain. I could feel the scalpel making the lines on my skin, well paper thin cuts really, but it wasn’t hurting at all.

Marking my Brows
The whole process took around 3o minutes with Lu checking. Rather than asking Sarah if there were any issues, she asked for her opinion on what it was looking like. Sarah said what she thought, what sections needed more work, or if something needed adding.
Lu encouraged her along the way and made one or two tiny suggestions. I sat so comfortably on the beauty bed I literally almost fell asleep.

COVID compliant
Eventually they pronounced that I was done and gave me a mirror to have a look for myself.
Whilst the brows had not been thickened too much, they were more even and had a better colour than before. Now, I was more than aware that there would be several days of slight itchiness as it scabbed over.

A perfect match
The scabs are only surface deep and don’t cause any massive issues apart from you cannot get them wet or use any makeup on them. This means no full coverage foundation or eyebrow powder.

One way to keep them dry!
To be honest, I had no plans over the week other than work so I could live without the make up for a few days.
Anyway, its been a week now and I am totally thrilled with the outcome so far.

Much Better
The scabs are quite pale and soft and the colour is nice and even. The length and shape are pretty identical and where there was lopsidedness, it is now much better! I will need a top up in a month or so and Lu will be finishing off any issues that may arise.
I know the scabbing will be over in about another week and then I can start putting some make up back on.

Getting there!
Just in time for Halloween…
Till next time,
SPSG xxx