Many of you know about the ‘Gin-cident’ that happened in April 2019. Little Chick was home from Uni for Easter and we had a rather fun evening, drinking, playing games and enjoying the long weekend.
And then when I went up to bed, I tripped over a two socket cable extension reel and landed on top of the plugs. This wasn’t a major problem as I was a little inebriated and it didn’t hurt.
Well, until the next morning!

Just a little bruise…
When I went to get out of bed the next day, I could barely put my weight on my knee. Agonising pain shot through my knee from side to side and tears sprang to my eyes.
Cutting a long story short, I went several weeks before seeking medical treatment and then it was a bit too late. I had torn my ACL quite badly.
A couple of months later I compounded the issue by slipping on wet pavement and ripping my meniscus on the same knee.
Fast forward to July of 2020, over 15 months since the original injury and I was still limping about and often needing to use my walking stick. Because the injury was a bit random, I could never tell when it was going to ‘give way’ and I was in constant pain.

Damaged ankle too!
There had not been a day in the past 18 months that I wasn’t in pain.
I was pretty much sick and tired of it, but didn’t think there was very much else I could, apart from wait until November when I was due to be seeing the consultant at the hospital.
Since July I had been prescribed some physiotherapy which I really had my reservations about. The first appointment was done over the phone and then I had two skype appointments where I was given a load of exercises to do.

Doing it with style
My main issue was the fact that the physio was going from examination records from July 2019 (I haven’t been seen since then) and hadn’t examined me or seen my actual knee. Whilst she was really lovely, I found that the exercises were causing extreme pain and I struggled to actually do them.
Fast forward to two weeks ago when I was really struggling at work and our fantastic cleaner, Rosa asked if I had thought of seeing a therapist. She had been to one herself and highly recommended the treatment she had been given.
Well, as many of you know, my motto for the past several years has been ‘what is the worst that can happen?’

Didn’t let it stop me
I took the number from Rosa and sent a text asking if I could have an appointment.
Ash messaged back and gave me an appointment for the following Friday.
So, ten days ago I went to the Northampton Sports Therapy Centre where Ash was waiting outside to usher me into the centre, whilst keeping to the COVID guidelines.
I gave him my knee history and he got me up onto the therapy couch and checked out just what was going on with my knee. As previously mentioned it had been over 15 months since anyone had even looked at my knee so I was keen to see just what he thought was going on with it.
Ash told me that he had doubts that my pain was related to my ACL or Meniscus any more as the movements and test that he did showed that there was normal movement and range, which if they ligaments were damaged there would be physical signs showing this.
He actually thought that there was an issue with damage of some sort under the kneecap and he moved my leg in certain ways and was able to show me how my kneecap was moving and how it SHOULD be moving.

Perfectly Matched
He said he would do some remedial work and massage on it and then use Kinesiology tape to stabilise the knee.
I have to say that he really went to town on my leg and knee. The deep massage he gave me almost bought tears to my eyes. But whilst it was pretty painful, it also felt really good too!
Eventually Ash was finished and he grabbed the kinesiology tape to put on my leg.
After I was taped up, he asked me to get down off the couch and he would talk through a few things with me. He gave me some more tape and said he would send me some gentle exercises and a video on how to attach the new tape.
I booked in for a follow up ten days later and walked out to my car.
Notice I say WALKED out to my car?
No limping, no walking stick and best of all NO PAIN!
Of course, I wasn’t too sure if this was a momentary thing due to the massage and manipulation.
But I am gobsmacked to say that ten days later I am still pain free, still walking stick free and limp free too. It really is absolutely unbelievable.
I had to change my own tape at the weekend and I have to say I made a bit of a hash of it, even after watching the video of how to do it. Since then I have had a little bit of discomfort, but not anything like it was before seeing Ash.
I am due to have my follow up in two days time. Baby Bear has come up with an ingenious idea that once he tapes my knee again, to draw around the tape with a sharpie so that I can get the placement better next time.
For the first time in nearly 18 months I am optimistic that I can live a pain free life and maybe even dance again!
I can’t wait!
Till next time,
SPSG xxx