As many of you know, I love a good murder mystery.
We have taken part in many as a family and I have held some at home for friends too. My most recent mystery event was with the LGBT+ group at work.
I was the cook, Mrs Batters and I had a great time playing up the character; my white mob cap, rolling pin and stolen silver from the Mansion I worked at.

Blanche Batters
So, when it was suggested to do another murder mystery, this time on Halloween Eve, I was obviously keen to take part.
As the game we had played comes with a random killer from twenty suspects, it meant that we could play it again without the same result.
I did wonder whether I should play the same character (in a Halloween style) or go for someone different.
Well, I fancied a bit of a change so I decided to take on the guise of Ginger Schnapps, the sister of the deceased mans wife. A bit of posh totty who swanned around taking photographs at high society weddings.
Of course, the first thing I knew I needed to change was my hair.
Onto Amazon I went and ordered myself a smashing ginger wig in a graduated bob. As we were going to be ‘Halloween-ing’ it up, I popped some blood spray and scar tattoos into my basket.

Setting the scene as Ginger
Job done!
Now I just had to wait until the evening of the game to get all dressed up.
As my character was a bit of a glamour-puss, I decided I would wear my pink Vixen Glitz and Glamour gown with some blingy jewellery.

The rest of the cast involved a vicar, games-keeper, doctor, fortune teller and retired Army General. Everyone had gone all out on their costumes and I was really chuffed with my scarred face and wig.
Little Chick even commented that I should dye my hair ginger as it really suited me!

Top Totty ‘Tographer
The game was great fun as always; I didn’t have a clue who the murderer was and neither did anyone else. We were all so rubbish that we totally got the wrong possible killer, meaning the culprit got away with the dastardly deed.

Game Play
I have to say I was glad to get my dress off; the sequined straps were itching me somewhat. I could happily have kept the wig on all night as I loved the style and the colour.
The game lasted about 90 minutes and every part of it was hilarious. There were silly innuendoes as well as character assassinations and I loved it all.

The likely suspects
The organiser, Michael was fabulous. Getting everyone on board and setting the game play up. He had put together a whole PowerPoint storyline to go with the information that was given ahead of time.

Marvellous Michael
It made it all the more fun as there was a visual part to the story with a spoken dialogue making accusations at all the guests.
Bloody brilliant, really.

Photobombed by the dog. AGAIN
Anyway, I am happy to say that I was not the evil murderer.
Well, not this time…..anyway!
SPSG xxx