I have written about my friend Jane and her fabulous nail art before on my blog. I am so blow away by the designs she continually comes up with that I couldn’t help but show off some designs that she has painted for me to use during the festive/winter season.

Jane is not a nail technician; she has taught herself all these techniques by watching tutorials and practicing over and over.
Using everything from paints, polishes, felt pens, jewels and more she makes the most elaborate designs that simply stun me.

The most recent ones that I have been wearing were very long and although I absolutely adored them, I struggled as a touch typist as I couldn’t hit the keys properly!
This was something that Jane and I had discussed and we worked out that the best style and length for me were. Being that I am so forgetful, Jane made a note so that every set she made was perfect for my needs.

Anyway, Jane had given me a stunning set of red nails which were almost holographic. She had made a full set of plain nails and then added some extras with added jewels so that I could swap out a nail if I wanted an added detail or two.

Ruby Slippers?
I have to say that I absolutely loved these nails and made up my mind to ask for another set for Christmas wear. Jane was all too happy to work on something festive and I let her loose to do her thing.
In the meantime she had also been working on some nails for Baby Bear. Now she is very specific; neutral colours and ballerina in style, Jane had sent a couple of pairs in the post and they were so well received that Baby Bear put them on immediately.

Baby Bears Style
Now there was a small box on the doormat for me and I was exceedingly keen to see just what Jane had come up with. I pulled back the silver tissue paper that they were packaged in and saw two fabulous sets.
The first was a neutral grey/off white base with blue and white snowflakes layered over the top. The flakes have a small amount of glitter to them and it is a very effective look. They also stand out from the base nail giving a 3D effect.

Set One
I intend to wear these at the beginning of December to start off the month in the right frame.

Close Up
The second pair were perfect for Christmas itself; glittery red nails with the ring finger being a neutral colour with a red and white glitter Santa hat framing the top.
Very cute and totally in keeping with what I was looking for when it came to Christmas Nails.

Set Two
The red polish is highly pigmented and the glitter just gives it an extra oomph. These will be absolutely perfect on the run up to Christmas week.

Close Up
As I said, I expected two sets and was gloriously stunned when I removed the silver tissue to find a further three sets. A glorious five sets that all encapsulated Festive fun and frivolity.
The first set has a beautiful base of pearlescent white with a silvery blue glitter. The base of the nail up to the tip is the stunning glitter, with a white tip. Each nail is adorned with two or three different size snowflakes.

Set Three
Whereas the first two have a flat top (Ballerina style) these and the other two are a short stiletto style and the points have been used to great effect.

Close Up
The second set which I completely adore are absolutely glorious and much more varied, This set has red, green glitter, pearlescent white and tartan.
What really makes these stand out even more is the most adorable 3D crystal reindeer head, complete with a red nose!

Set Four
Absolutely wonderful.

Close Up
The last set are outstanding. A very dark blue base with white icicles, the middle finger has a large snowflake made out of crystals.
And like all snowflakes they are slightly different and individual.

Set Five
The crystals are really detailed and stand out quite a bit. Almost like a piece of jewellery, I intend to keep these for an occasion rather than just wearing for every day.

Close Up
So there you have it, a plethora of beautiful nails all ready for the festive season.
The only problem I have now is which pair to put on first!
Till next time,
SPSG xxx