A couple of weeks ago I got a package in the mail.
Now this is not unusual. With the items I get sent to review, plus sneaky little purchases PLUS two twenty-something daughters, there are packages arriving at least 3-4 times a week.
But this was different. I wasn’t expecting anything and neither were the girls.
Looking on the outer packaging I saw the sender address was that belonging to my blogging bestie, Boo Brown.
Now she hadn’t said that she was sending anything, so it was still a total mystery.
It was a pretty chunky well wrapped parcel and I have to admit to being totally intrigued as to what was inside. It had so much parcel tape on it, I had to go and get the scissors to even begin to open it up.
Once I managed to get into the outer layer, there was a huge swathe of bubble wrap which didn’t give anything away.
What on earth was in this package?
Unrolling the layers of bubble wrap, I could start to feel what seemed like a wide chunky wooden frame. It was like a picture frame, yet unlike a picture frame.
Getting down to the final layer of bubble wrap I was absolutely gobsmacked to find a special kind of picture frame that had already been filled with my photograph.
The large white outer frame had a smaller frame inside which was connected by a ‘wooden spindle’. This meant the inside frame revolved.
Of course, I had to revolve it to see if there was anything the other side and was chuffed to bits to find the amazing artwork of @thepieeyes who had used an existing photograph of me to create a piece of art for a series of ‘classic noir’ type mystery books that he had devised.
The books were total fantasies he had come up with. The idea of a ’35c bargain read’ from the 1950’s released under the made up Bathykolpian Book company completely tickled my fancy and when he had contacted me to float the idea, I was full of possible titles for him.
Imagining titles with double entendres or catchy lines really was great fun and I am proud to say that he did utilise a few of them.
For my title, The Jezebel Job, the byline was ‘P.I Todd Baxter really had his hands full tracking down this stubborn Goddess… She was in more trouble than she knew
A not so innocent Vixen. On Vacation. On her Own. On the Run’
The photo he had chosen to base the artwork on was a picture that had been taken during the LeKeux photoshoot in November 2019.
It was one of my very favourite photoshoots and one of my favourite photographs.
The fact that he had chosen to use that one was very special and now I had a really clever photo frame that showcased them both.
I was quick to thank Boo for the stunning gift. She went on to tell me that she had made contact with the artist to get the original artwork so it was the best quality possible.
To say I was moved to tears is an understatement.
I contacted him to say thank you and he asked to see the finished effect. He thought it was so fantastic he even showed it off on Instagram.
There are more Bathykolpian Books in the pipeline, including a Circus themed one and I for one cannot wait to see what he comes up with AND who he uses as his muse.
I highly recommend you go and check him out on Instagram and give him a follow @thepieeyes.
Till next time,
SPSG xxx