If you are a long time reader of mine, you may recall the cupcake dress of dreams that I debuted this past Christmas time.
Layers of mocha tulle with a satin waistband, spaghetti straps and a crossover bodice just made this dress an absolute dream to put on and I genuinely felt like a movie star.

Cupcake Dreams
The only issue I had with this dress was initially a lack of accessories to complete the whole outfit.
Fast forward three months and I was really excited to get a package in the post from America.
A fifties feather tilt hat in shades of mocha and tan. In the centre was a large aurora borealis crystal decoration which gave it a little bit of glamour.

Original eBay advert
The tilt hat was attached to a velvet rear band which also ‘decorates’ the hair and allows for a secure fit to the head. To say I was excited to try this on was an understatement.

Gorgeous Velvet Band
However it was late on a Friday evening, I had been at work all day and there was absolutely no way I was putting on a full evening gown to see what a hat looked like.

Just couldn’t wait!
It had been just too long a day for that lark!
So, I touched up the make-up a little, got the hat out and gave it a go.

All Made Up…
Oh, one thing I forgot to mention is that the amazing seller, no*time*like*the*past had added a little gift to match with the centre of the hat, a pair of clip on aurora borealis crystal earrings.

Jaunty Side Angle
What an absolutely lovely thing to do!

Gorgeous matching earrings
So, how did the hat look?

Full Effect
Given that it hasn’t been tried on with the proper outfit, I think it is an absolute stunner.

More to the front
The hat is lightweight, yet very secure when on the head. It is very versatile and can be worn either on the side of the head as is my penchant, or tilted right at the very front as I actually came to prefer it.

A Proper Tilt
Having a gradient of feathers makes the colours of this really work with the dress when compared with each other. Obviously it isn’t a hat that you would wear to just any old occasion; it really is a bit of a showstopper.

What a Titfer
The best thing of all it that is only cost £18.08.

A Great Side Profile
It really was an absolute bargain and I would have been stupid not to get it as even if it didn’t work with this outfit, it would have worked with something else that I own.

Tilted Back
To be honest, I adore this hat. I feel extremely feminine in it and I cannot wait to have somewhere special to wear the full outfit to.

Feathery Femininity
I guess for now, I have to be a little more patient and wait for the better times ahead.
Till next time,
SPSG xxx