From my previous posts you will have garnered the idea that I have a love for wigs.

My Favourite wig…. Maybe!
This all started when I saw and fell in love with Carl Brown’s Vintage designed wigs and went to visit him in Liverpool to get a special black wig made for Twinwood 2018.

Twinwood 2018
Partially this was because I was unable to style my own hair in a vintage way, due to a shoulder issue and also because I just didn’t even know how to roll my own hair and do anything with it!

Or maybe this one?
I wore it for Twinwood and absolutely loved the look that it gave me. It was easy to put on, easy to wear and easy to add adornments to.

Love the Colour
Since then I have purchased quite a few wigs. In fact, you could probably say I have got quite an addiction to them.

Something completely different…
As you probably know, the wigs I have bought have ranged in price from £6.99 to £14.99. Certainly nothing there that would break the bank.

Unsure about this one…
However the quality has been exceptional and far outweighs the price point.

Going Grey…
The question is, Did all of them suit me?

Pretty in Pink
I have shown pretty much all the ones that I have purchased previously in various blogs and Instagram posts, but this time I have three different ones that I took a bit of a chance on.

More natural but stunning
Personally I really liked them and decided to give them a try, after all a change is as good as a rest!

Actually… This one is my favourite!
The first one was a gorgeous little ice white and mint long straight cut do with a heavy fringe. The white is three quarters of the hair with an ombre mint rising from the bottom.

Whilst I absolutely adored this look on the model, I have to admit I am not too sure of the look on me. It sits well, has a great weight and volume of hair but I just don’t think it is ‘me’.

Ombre Wig
Maybe with a minty green eyeshadow and an appropriate outfit, it could be a whole different kettle of fish. I love it enough to certainly give it a go.

Cosplay, maybe?
Wig number two was a cotton candy confection; long, straight and with a heavy fringe. I really liked the pale pink colour that this wig offered.

Perfect in Pastel
Having already tried wigs with this exact length and style, (it was no different to the red, black or brown that I had) I expected this one to look just as good.

Pretty good, I think
Again, the jury is out. It is a great wig and I think that it went ok with the make-up. I guess I just need to get off my large bum and try it on with an actual pink based outfit.

Unsure about this….
Whilst I am not as unsure of this wig as the mint one, I don’t feel as happy in it as I do some of my other wigs, the red one for example.
The final one was a bit of a long shot.
Or should I say a short shot.
Given that my hair is not very long and all the wigs I have chosen so far are longer than my natural hair, it seemed a bit strange then to go for a very short pixie cut wig.

But I really wanted to try what a short cropped wig would look like on me and this dark brown offering seemed perfect.

I think I quite like it!
I have to admit to being quite excited to give this one a go. If it suited me, then I could see this becoming a cute little go-to look when having a bad hair day and needing photographs or popping to the supermarket.

Do I look Intelligent?
The result?
Well, actually I think it looked better than I expected. The fit was excellent, covered all my own hair and came down across my forehead pretty well. The wig suited being brushed flat AND being ruffled up and I think I will get a chance to style it in several other ways.

Brushed forward a little…
Someone quipped that I reminded them of Ruth Madoc from the Hi-de-Hi series. Now whilst some people might think that a bit of an insult, she was a bit of a hottie back in the 80’s!

Hi-De-Hi Campers
I could see exactly what they meant with this comment though, it is a perfect dark crop, just like hers.
Personally I think the front looks more like Marjory from Fat Fighters! Crop Matt Lucas’ hair a bit and I am a dead ringer!

In fact, this actual wig is the favourite of these last three. I like the cheeky little look it gives and I think it will get an outing or two when the opportunity arises.
Till next time,
SPSG xxx