When I was a kid growing up, my Mum always had an Ambrose Wilson catalogue. At the age of 9 or 10 I assumed that it was a catalogue for old peoples clothing.

Ambrose Wilson circa 1960’s
Now, before jumping on me for that one, I was a child and like most children think their parents are *really* old. Coupled with the fact that it never seemed to have young and trendy things a fashion conscious kid like me wanted to wear, I was convinced of my assessment.

Ambrose Wilson Corselettes
Not for one second did I ever think it was because my Mum was plus sized and struggled to get clothing on the High Street.
This was back in the day when Evans was called Evans Outsized!

Evans – The Outsize Shop
I just never thought of my Mum as being ‘plus sized’. She was just Mum.
Fast forwarding 30 odd years and I have become a huge fan of Ambrose Wilson. Not only do they have some fabulous funky clothing, they also have staples for the wardrobe, homewares, gifts and more.
One of the best things is the fact that they offer clothing in sizes 8 – 32 which is bigger than most other retailers.
Since I first looked at the catalogue I have had quite a few fabulous purchases including dresses by Joanna Hope, bedding by Dorma and Gin by the Zymagorium Gin Company.

Zymagorium Flagingo
One of the companies that I really love is Joe Browns which AW stocks. In fact, a couple of my staple dresses are from Joe Browns including this perfect navy polka number which is perfect for those days when you need to look smart with very little effort!

Pretty in Polka-Dots
This dress hits the spot, no pun intended.
Now, going back a few months to the beginning of the Autumn season, Joe Browns released several different winter coats that I fell in love with.
All of them really ticked my boxes but at over £100 each, whilst great value, wasn’t something I could justify given the pandemic we are in and the unsurety of the financial future ahead.
I have to admit that it didn’t stop me from going and having a look every now and then to quell my lust for them.
The other issue that I had was that I actually liked 4 or 5 of the coats on offer!
Now, no-one needs that many coats and I surely didn’t have space within my house for them all.
I did narrow the list down to two particular ones; the Gorgeous Collar Coat in dark purple and the Favourite Check Coat
Now 5 months had passed and I got an email in my inbox advertising a big sale.
Would any of the coats be included?
I was thrilled to find that all of the coats were in the sale but obviously that did make my decision a little harder!
Whilst the purple coat would probably be more practical, colour wise, I was more drawn to the tartan design of the Favourite Check coat.
Oh and I also had a 20% off code which would make the price drop even further.
So, how was the coat I had been lusting after for several months?

Checking Out in Style
I am thrilled to say that it was absolutely everything I was hoping for. A genuine stunner of a coat with a distinctive vintage styling to it.

I love the colour combination
The tartan is made of mixed materials and has a nubby feel to it. The colours are vibrant and off-set by a thick black collar and cuffs.

I adore the whole vintage styling of this coat
The inside of the coat is glorious too; a vintage blue/green floral lining makes this coat seem a lot older than it actually is.

Beautiful lining
I can almost see my Aunt Gwen doing the shopping in it back in the 50’s or 60’s.
Now what does the girl about town pair up such an amazing coat with?

This coat makes me feel FABULOUS!
Knowing that I do like a bit of variety, I popped on the internet and got a pumpkin colour beret for the bargain price of £4.99.
I also already owned a black fur like beret which matched the collar and cuffs perfectly.

Black Beret for proper Winter time
Now given that we are going into Spring in quite a rush, it may seem a little silly to have gone with the fur trimmed coat, BUT there is method to my madness.

Looking into the distance
Whilst it may not get much wear currently, it is a timeless style and I intend to keep it for ‘best’.

Smart YET Practical
By that I mean vintage events where a decent warm coat will be needed, whilst also fitting a specific brief.

Tartan Totty
All in all, I have to admit to being thrilled with this purchase, and given that with the additional discount it only cost me £44, it was an absolute bargain!

I really enjoyed taking these photos
Sadly, the massive sale has finished but it is still available at a much reduced price, along with several other cracking coats by Joe Brown.

Selfie Time
I highly suggest going and giving Ambrose Wilson a look and see what bargains you can get.

Fringe needs a trim!
Especially if you are plus sized, like me!
Till next time,
SPSG xxx