If you have been a long time reader/follower of my blogs you will have seen previous mentions of the amazing boys over at The House of Drewvid.
Vintage Coiffeurs, product makers, accessory designers, you name it and they do it.
I first came into contact with them at a vintage event at Enfield held by Hotties Vintage. They styled my hair for a catwalk I was taking part in and it was stunning.

Styled by The House of Drewvid
Following on from that, I have used various products such as their Marcel Spray to great effect and lusted over a range of their hair accessories.
Recently they advertised their ‘Sprezzatura’ Collection; a hark back to a time when headwear was both beautiful, elegant and could also be flamboyant.
I waited with eager fingers for the collection to go live as they had posted some teasers of the designs that they had created.
There were two that I especially loved and I knew that if I was lucky enough to get onto the site at the right time, I would be heading straight to the two that fulfilled all my dreams.
So, what was I so enamoured with?
The first was a gorgeous purple floral/snood design.

Eve Arden in Cover Girl
This was different in the aspect that it had two floral ‘pom-poms’ that were worn either side of the head, followed by a matching flower bedecked snood. It really was extravagant and I wanted it.

Beautiful Rear View
The second was a tilt hat in the most beautiful of pale pinks, with velvet ribbons, a white snood and delicate little flowers.

Perfect Pink
This design was certainly more traditional and wearable, given that it is more neutral in its colours and not so ‘out there’ in design.
And so the day finally arrived when the collection was going live.
Would there be other designs that turned my head?
Could I be lucky enough to get one of the two that I lusted after?
Well I am happy to report that I was there on the website at the right time and both items were still available. I sat for around 5 minutes trying to decide which one I was going to plump for as I couldn’t afford both.

Some of the Sprezzatura Delights
I was edging towards the pink tilt hat and snood, and went to have one more look at the purple Cover Girl creation when it sold right out from under my nose.
Well, that certainly made the decision a lot easier.
I dashed onto the pink hat and snood page and hastily put it into my basket before that too disappeared.
It was only a couple of days before a large parcel arrived on my doorstep. It was obvious what it was from the printing on the box.

It’s here!
I was so keen to see what was inside and the boys certainly hadn’t disappointed.

Beautifully Packaged
All wrapped up in black tissue for protection, there was a lovely thank you note on a plain white card embossed with the House of Drewvid logo.
Classy yet elegant in its simplicity.

Elegance Personified
Inside was a wonderful personalised note, thanking me for the purchase and giving some advice on how to secure the hat with the greatest adhesion to my head.

Such a Special Touch
So, all I needed to do now was to unwrap the packaging and see just what was inside. Pulling the sides of the tissue apart I was surprised to find that the headpiece was inside a voile bag for extra safety and protection.

Perfectly Packaged
Peeking through the voile was the sweetest heathery pink colour straw tilt hat with a gorgeous velvet bow. With matching flowers and foliage, it really was a stunning piece and it wasn’t even out of the bag yet!
On inspection, the quality of the design and creation was clear to see.

Inside of the Tilt Hat
The Straw weave is so delicate and pretty and is finished off with a House of Drewvid label. There are three flexible velcro loops with which the snood can stay firmly attached and also hair grips can be slid between to secure to my hair.
The snood was made of a thick white material which is attached to a beautiful dusky pink velvet banding. This fits over the head like a normal headband and has an elasticated bottom which keeps your hair inside.

Beautifully made
The snood is quite long and whilst I don’t have a huge amount of hair right now, with a bit of work I was able to tuck some of the snood into the bottom so it fitted better.
Moving on to the flower bedecked hat, it is a perfect pink saucer shaped affair, with pink, white and silver flowers. The rear has a gorgeous pink velvet bow which is the same shade as the banding on the snood.

Such pretty detailing
So how did it look when it was put on?

Worn to the Left
Well, with this hat it can be worn slightly on the side or tilted more to the front. Whilst I think both work beautifully, I can see me wearing it more to the front.

Just testing it out
I have also considered putting on one of the numerous wigs that I have so that it fills out the snood more than my own hair does.

Tilted to the front
As you can see I haven’t particularly styled the front of my hair in these photographs. I had curled my hair a couple of days previously and had small roll at the front and I had been at work all day.

Absolutely Perfect
With a wig I could actually pre-style it and put it on for an event where time was of the essence.
However I found that once I put the hat on more of a frontwards tilt, the fringe section didn’t really matter that much at all!

Absolutely thrilled with the look
All I need now is an outfit to wear it with!
If you like the designs from The House of Drewvid, go and take a look at what they have to offer as unfortunately they have recently announced that they will no longer be offering their beautiful creations.

Sad Times!
Till next time,
SPSG xxx