I have spoken recently of my trials and tribulations of wet sets and hair rollers. If you fancy a look, you can see it here
Whilst I seem to have got the knack of the rollering (if thats a real word) I was still experiencing problems of the comfort kind. Especially when in bed!

Foam Rollers
By this I mean that when I had the sponge rollers in, my head hurt, lying down hurt, going to sleep hurt. Inevitably I couldn’t sleep properly and woke up stupidly early, usually with a massive headache.
After several weekends of this, I knew I needed to come up with a better option that what I was currently using.
That was when I stumbled across Rosie Curls on Instagram.

Rosie Curls
Rosie Curls is the baby of the lovely Jemma who crochets soft curlers which allegedly are super comfortable to wear when sleeping.
Well, it would be worth a try, surely?
There was only one problem.
Jemma hand-makes every single curler herself. She also has a chronic illness that means she cannot just churn these out by the thousands.

Rosie’s RosieCurls
Every week she posts her creations on Etsy and they are literally snapped up in SECONDS.
For several weeks I have been online at the designated time of posting and I have missed out, every single time. I have to admit to being gutted.
I sent an email to Jemma and she sent a lovely reply explaining her circumstances, how she posts the same time every week and that there is even a chart on her Instagram that shows you what styles are due to be released every Sunday.

Release Dates
To be honest, I didn’t care what colour I managed to get my hands on, I just wanted a set but failed every single time.
It was a couple of days later that I had a message from a wonderful lady on Instagram, Laura.
She had managed to get hold of two sets of Rosie Curls. Initially she got a set of ‘Beauty School Dropout’ but really wanted ‘Pink Minx’
The following week she was lucky enough to get her hands on the ones she really wanted and was offering to sell ‘Beauty School Dropout’ to me for exactly what she had paid for them.

Beauty School Dropout
She had even checked with Jemma to make sure that this was completely okay.
Well of course, I couldn’t thank her enough and paypalled the money immediately as I was so excited to actually get my hands on a set.
A few days later a little square box arrived in the post. I eagerly unwrapped it to find the cutest storage tub possible.
A round brown cardboard tub with a beautiful black satin ribbon to tie the lid on. The ribbons were finished off with some cute pink beads and the logo for Rosie Curls.

Brilliantly Packaged
Included inside was a care card which explains how to use, how to store and how to wash. Absolutely brilliant.
Inside the tub were 24 Beauty School Dropout Curlers. Made of 100% cotton yarn, they were a gorgeous soft baby pink.

How to…
The curlers are soft to the touch and have an elasticated covered loop which is how you secure them in your hair. As there are no plastic, metal or other components, they are far less damaging for your hair and a reason why they are much more comfortable.
Jemma recommends that you wash them by hand, however they can be put in the washing machine on the hand wash cycle, and allow to air dry. She even suggests that these are done every couple of months for hygiene and to remove any setting lotion that has been absorbed.
Now all I needed to do was give them a go.
The first attempt was a little clumsy if I am honest. Whilst the curlers are easy to put in, I have to admit to struggling with the back section and I certainly didn’t section it as well as I could have done.

First Few In
It was also quite late when I put them in so the application was a bit scruffy. However, once I had left them in overnight, I took each one out, storing them back in the recyclable pot, and had a look at the effect.

All In
Well, I have to say the effect was not as good as I hoped.

Still Damp
However this was completely my own fault. I was too impatient and didn’t wait for my hair to be completely dry before taking them out. Whilst this left me with some very good curls, some were a little unformed and damp.

Some Good Curls Though
Utterly down to my lack of patience and wanting to see how they had come out.

Styled and looking better
I did brush them out, but I wasn’t left with the effect I get from foam rollers. No surprise really as I had stuffed it up a bit.

Pretty Effective
Take two was far more successful.
I washed my hair in the afternoon and sectioned it using clips. Starting at the back I sprayed a little Revlon Lottabody setting lotion before using a perm papers (I highly recommend Fripac-Medis Tip Papers on Amazon) to protect the ends and stop them going crooked and ‘fish-hook’ like.

The Morning After
I left them in overnight and when I took them out the effect was spectacular!

A Great Roll
I was left with tight curls all over my head.

Tight Perm?
With a bit of finger-combing the curls loosened and started to hang beautifully. I have to admit to being in two minds as to whether I did a soft brush-out or leave them exactly as they were.

Amazed by the result
Well as you can see, I decided to do a brush out and I was thrilled with the results. A lovely soft bouncy hairdo that with a bit of care and attention it should last me several days.

Brilliant Curls!
The cost of a pot of Rosie Curls is £45 and as I mentioned earlier, this gives you 24 rollers that was enough for my hair. I do think I could probably roll more hair around each roller and use less of them, which might give bigger curls, and I plan to experiment with that soon.

Loving the Effect
Earlier I said that the curlers are ‘allegedly super comfortable to wear when sleeping’ and I personally can agree with that wholeheartedly. I had a restful nights sleep, no pain or discomfort and no headache at all.

Dotty over RosieCurls
Waking up around my normal time, without the need for a couple of paracetamol and consider that an absolute, categorical win!

Strict Schoolmarm
In fact Rosie Curls are a Complete Revelation!

Absolutely Amazed by the Effect
I can’t thank Jemma and Laura enough; Firstly for Jemma’s creation and secondly to Laura for offering to sell her spare set.

Loving this Look
Watch out for the hairstyles to come, I am sure there is a whole lot more scope with Rosie Curlers than I have yet tried.
Till next time
SPSG xxx