Being Plus Size isn’t an issue for me.
It is however, an issue for many people who have a problem with the existence of Fat People and especially those who inhabit Social Media.
Ask any Fat person who has a SM presence and I am sure you will regaled with the tales of nasty, hurtful comments from Strangers, unsolicited diet products, emails offering weight loss miracles and even hate-filled posts where someone has taken your photos, screenshot them and used them for ridicule amongst ‘fat-shaming’ groups.
Fat- Shaming Groups????
Yes, you heard it right. There are people who spend their spare time taking a random strangers body, style, looks and more apart for nothing else but the craic.

Blue and Blonde
What kind of World do we live in where someone thinks that is a perfectly acceptable thing to do? When did people become so judgemental and unkind.
If you think that is awful, well it doesn’t stop there.
Personally I have been to the Doctors with an ear infection, who commented that ‘I was very overweight and had I considered dieting’.
When it came to my COVID jab, I was offered it before family and friends who use the same surgery. I was called up and when I questioned why I was being given it first, was told ‘Well, you are morbidly obese’.
Apart from my dodgy knee (from the Gincident two years ago) I am very healthy and have no underlying medical conditions. But I was offered it before people who are medicated for such things as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and more.
I would love to know if people on the opposite side of the coin who are medically underweight get asked a similar thing
‘Have you considered eating a burger and putting some weight on?’
Anyway, what does that have to do with the title of my post?
Well, you will soon see this fat woman in a bikini!

Bikini and Curls
Recently I posted some photographs and a review of two swimsuits that I ordered online from Shein. The first one, a tropical print was a little too big and didn’t give the support I really wanted.
The second was a gorgeous olive green one-piece that I absolutely loved. It was a little vintage and I thought pretty classy.
But I wanted to go one step further.
I had a gorgeous black mesh kimono covered in embroidered roses and a pair of platform heels with exactly the same rose design on. I thought that a post featuring those accessories would look pretty good with a red costume of some sort.

Perfect Match
It was then that I thought I would look at getting a bikini rather than a one piece.
This was something that whilst my own idea, also takes me into the realm of uncomfortableness.
Yes, I have modelled underwear and I have put photographs out there in all manner of clothing, skimpy or not.
However over the COVID pandemic, I have put a lot of weight on my tummy and my midriff. In fact I am the fattest and heaviest I have ever been.
This means an off-the-rack bikini would probably be more revealing than usual.
Did that really matter though?
Only time will tell…
I had spotted a lovely red bikini online that whilst pretty plain, had lovely draped shoulder straps and a little ruffle around the waistband which I thought a really nice effect.

Lady in Red
Priced at only £14.49, the Plus Ruffle Ring Linked Bikini swimsuit was an absolute winner for me and into the basket it went.
When it arrived, I was really pleased with it apart from one thing. As usual it had foam inserts in the bra and they are always nowhere near big enough.

The Full Look
Even as large as I am, they are ridiculously tiny, however this is where Shein have hit onto a brilliant thing; they leave a small circle in each cup so you can take the foam out.
Out they came and in the bin they went.

Red and Robed
So, how was the fit?
Considering I am the larger side of a 4XL, the fit was excellent and there was no ‘bagging’ at all. The red was gorgeous and vibrant and it really went well with my accessories I added them and felt all ready to go.

Rear Ruffle
Down in the garden, I was feeling pretty confident and happily primped and posed in front of the camera. It was fun and I loved the whole ensemble.
Then it came to looking at the photographs. My plus size body, in very little clothing.
What did I truly think?

Superb Styling
Trying to look objectively at what I saw, wondering what other people would think and see.
My lower legs are relatively thin, leading up to chunky thighs. I have a large fold at the crease of my thigh which I had even when I was a size 10.

All the flaws
My hips are as wide as I am tall at 60 inches.
I have a large tummy apron which has only got larger during lockdown.

Shady Lady
My breasts are droopy and pendulous.
If you have been a long time reader you will know I struggle to get bras. As with a lot of people, small and large, bras can be torture devices that dig in and cut and the first thing you do when you get home is rip the bra off. This leads to a lack of support and more sagging.

Bikini Babe
But its more comfortable.
Moving up to my arms, I have very visible ‘bingo wings’. I never really had a problem with my underarms when another plus size beauty said that she was so self-conscious of them she never went sleeveless. Until that point I had never even noticed mine!

Bingo Wings Galore
Now I do.
My face has changed in recent years. I have a bigger chin and cheeks, but few lines and creases.

The Perfect Wrap
My hair, well that does its own thing for majority of the time and when I put some effort into styling it, it comes out pretty darn well if I say so myself.

Stunning Sleeves
So, a full assessment of myself. Relatively objective yet with a bit of kindness.
The bigger question is if I liked what I saw.

Braving the Bare
And you know what, Yes I did.
Simply put, I am what I am. A plus size, over 40 woman who has the right to wear whatever she wants and feels comfortable in. The right to cover every whole inch of my skin, or to show off as much as I feel happy with.

Rear End
The question now was whether I had the guts to put those photographs out on social media.
Taking a few days to think and deliberate it, I eventually put a handful on one Instagram post. With some trepidation, I might add.

Posing and Primping
Of course, I got the usual likes from men who prefer a larger woman. These are usually based in the Middle East and Africa and often accompany professions of love.
Much better though, I got a huge amount of likes and comments from women who loved the outfit and loved the fact that I had posted it, warts and all.

Floral Fantasy
Clearly though it wasn’t to everyone’s liking.
I lost over 40 followers in the course of 24 hours….

Loving Life AND myself
Which makes you wonder quite why they were following me in the first place?!?
As Dita Von Teese said “You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the World and there’s still going to be somebody who hates peaches”
Clearly they didn’t mind me in clothing, but bare skin was just too much.

The Full Monty
Ah well, not that much of a loss in my opinion!
Till next time,
SPSG xxx