Long time readers of my blog will have seen my love for Twinwood over the past 4 or 5 years. It is the highlight of my year and something I start preparing for several weeks in advance.
However this year was slightly different in that COVID is still prevalent and there was the worry that it might not go ahead at all.
Add to that, I had my knee injury to contend with and right up to the Friday I was unsure if I was even going to go. This was because I know what the terrain is like and I didn’t know if my legs would cope with it at all.

The ‘Before’ Photo
Eventually I decided that I was going to give it a go, as I had my tickets and even an hour out of the house listening to live music would do me the World of good.
Needed to get organised, I managed to put a weekend of outfits together with less than 24 hours to go which included one of my dresses being altered by about 15 inches as it was far too long.

Praying for Sun
So, what exactly did I wear and what did I see on Super Saturday?
I got up bright and early and taking the weather into consideration, I decided to go with the Pake Muu dress that I had commissioned from Karen Harvey, alongside my Doodlebug bag, Lulu Hun shoes and jewellery from Bow and Crossbones.

On My Way
Baby Bear was kind enough to drive me the 25 minutes to the Arena and I arrived dead on 1000 which is when the festival opens up. Now normally I stay over at the farm so don’t have to contend with the public car park and the reception area/shuttle bus.

However, due to the uncertainty of the event, I had decided to drive over every day and so I found myself being dropped off at the reception tent where I collected my wristband and went to join the queue for the bus which takes you to the bus stop just outside of the main arena.

Well Equipped
Now, you can walk the designated pathway to the arena and for any able bodied person, it may take you about 10 minutes. For me, I knew it would take 30 to 40 minutes and I really didn’t want to wear myself out before even arriving.
Sadly, there was some kind of issue with the bus and it had not arrived on time. Thankfully I had my walking frame which has an inbuilt seat and could rest whilst waiting for the bus. I am so glad it did as it didn’t arrive until 1055!

The Full Look
This was the only downside to the whole event and even then it wasn’t that big an issue.
I arrived at the main arena and found a space for my chair near to the front, but set to the right hand side. Getting everything organised, I had some fruit and water and a listen to The Swing Ninjas, before deciding to head up to the main shopping area to have a look at what was on offer and to catch up with vintage friends.

The Swing Ninjas
Now, one of the improvements to the site was that the pathways have all been gravelled or woodchipped. For the majority of visitors and certainly the outside traders, this was a great improvement as the old dusty surfaces were gone.
No more ‘Twinwood Tan’ and ruined stock.

The Colonial Club
Great indeed.
Of course, for those with mobility issues, this was pretty horrendous. Using a rolling walker, the gravel and woodchip constantly bogged it down OR even more frustrating, the wheels would hit a large stone or wood chunk and come to a jarring stop. This hurt my knee and more so, caused a serious ache in my shoulders, arms, hands and chest.

All chilled out
It also meant that I was very slow getting around anywhere, it was a real slog travelling on the gravel. In fact, it took me over 25 minutes to walk the 3 minutes from the Arena to the Colonial Club. This also meant that I got very worn out, very quickly.

The Lovely Lisa
Thankfully I was able to rest a little once I hit the Colonial, and it was wonderful to catch up with some familiar faces that were trading; Curious Orange and her Twin sister, Agent Bluebelle, Chocodolly and Alice Browns Cupboard. Having a natter and maybe a purchase or five started the weekend off with a bang.

Twintage and Yvonne
Eventually leaving the club, I decided to head up to the Control Tower, via all the stalls of gorgeous stuff.
Of course, I had to have a natter with Karen Back (The Heritage Milliner) Sarah Bloor (Pin Up Curl) Marie-Christin (Black Sheep Antiques) and the ladies at Shazam.

The Stunning Carli
There may have been a purchase or two but sadly I never made it to the Control Tower. Half way there and I was absolutely exhausted and had to turn around and head back to the main arena.

Music Magic
I have to admit I was so damn happy to get back to my chair and decided to spend the rest of the afternoon there, just listening to whatever came onstage. I have to admit, I was pretty happy with that choice when I caught the Glenn Miller Orchestra and then Natty Congeroo and The Flames of Rhythm.

The Glenn Miller Orchestra
A glass of Nozeco and some scampi and chips went down a treat before walking back up to The Colonial Club. I wanted to see Dusty Limits, Champagne Charlie and the Bubbly Boys and then take part in the Cockney Sing-a-long.

Drink time!
I also wanted to get changed into my finery – in this case the Mocha Ruffle Prom Dress, feathered hat and vintage jewellery.
The lovely Kitty and Susie (amongst many others) had offered me a space to get changed in, so I popped into their booth to swap outfits. Thankfully they were able to zip me up and I was good to go.

Sitting quite close to the front, I was happy sitting with my Champagne Coupe filled with orange squash. The entertainment was fabulous and whilst I was alone, I was quite enjoying my own company.
It was then that I noticed a familiar face; Craig. He was a gentleman that I had originally had a dance with around 4 years ago and we always caught up at Twinwood.

The Lovely Craig
His party had come to sit down on a table, which was next to mine!
It was lovely to catch up with him and he asked if I would be up to a slow dance later on. I was honoured to have been asked and I said I would try my best.

Orange Squash
Eventually a lovely slow waltz type dance come on and I was honoured to be escorted round the floor by Craig, even though I did a pretty poor job whilst he was graceful and light on his feet.

The Wonderful Colonial Club
It was then that I spotted one of my favourite people in the World; Dickie Tree. He had just arrived in the Colonial and I hadn’t managed to catch up with him or his stunning wife, Jenny at all during the day.

Ready for the Off
Of course I was swept up in a huge hug and we had a bit of a chat before finding out that Jenny was outside with some other partners in crime; Tina, Amber, Ria and more.

The Marvellous Tina and Jenny
I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to go and get my fix of the ladies!
Of course, there were massive hugs all round and I literally felt like I had ‘come home’. My spiritual home, that is. We were all rapidly talking over each other, catching up, complimenting outfits and having the most wonderful time.

The Dashing Dickie Tree
We all moved into the Club and sequestered a load of seats at the front ready for the Sing-a-long.

Champagne Charlie and Tom Carradine
I have to admit, it was as brilliant as ever. Old fashioned Cockney songs, Disney classics, Silly nonsense rhymes. I loved every single minute of it, as did the three hundred or so people all packed into the marquee singing along with ever wonderful Tom Carradine and Champagne Charlie.

Classy Chick
Sadly, due to the local council, they had put a time limit on the sing-a-long and it had to be finished by midnight. Normally it can go on for two or three hours and everyone was absolutely gutted that it had to be over so quickly.

Dickie and Jenny Tree
Anyway, we all made the absolute most of every second before making our way slowly back down to the main arena and the camping areas beyond.

The World Famous Cockney Singalong
I needed to go to the main public car park as that was where Baby Bear was due to pick me up. It was very slow going but the company was sublime. Dickie, Jenny, Tina and her other half insisted on walking all the way back with me, even though they had to pass their tents to do so.

Twintage – Susie and Kitty
It took a bit of a while for Baby Bear to arrive and we stood around chatting in the moonlight. It was so very good to have a proper catch up and we were all looking forward to a nice cup of tea once we got ‘home’.
Thankfully, the car arrived soon and I was glad to get inside were it was a little warmer. Heading back home, I struggled to stay awake. That nice hot cup of tea was so very welcome and it wasn’t long before I hit the mattress either.

A Right Old Knees Up
After all, there was another full on day ahead to look forward to..
Till next time,
SPSG xxx