For those of you who have read my blog for a long time, you will know that I try where at all possible to publish a new read every fourth day.
If I publish on a Monday, then you will get a new post on Thursday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday and so on.

Time Goes So Quickly
Most of the time I manage to stick to this schedule although working full time, having family things and general problems can get in the way and delay this.
The last couple of weeks have consisted of one thing after another and my posts have been sporadic and not to schedule.
A family bereavement and all the organisation that comes with it has left me running around like a headless chicken. Work cannot be allowed to suffer, so the thing that has, is the blog.

Simple yet Satisfying
To be fair, a change in pain medication has also left me feeling exhausted and wanting my bed much earlier than normal, so no late night tapping away at the keyboard.
Hopefully that is all now behind me and the posts will get back to normal. Hopefully you will stick with me as there are a lot of fun posts coming up including leopard print madness, sustainable shoes, savage scanties and a LeKeux photoshoot.
Til next time,
SPSG xxx