As most of you know, I have a tendency to dye my hair a lot.
In the past I have been blonde, brown, red, rainbow and even apricot. But one of my constants has always been Black.
Going back into the annals of vintage/pin up history, some of the most glamorous women have been raved haired beauties; Bettie Page, Cyd Charisse, Ann Miller and one of my favourites, Hattie Jacques.
Throw in Dita Von Teese and you have glamour personified.
So, a couple weeks ago I was thoroughly bored with my dull brown hair with HUGE roots, mainly grey. I grabbed a couple of black hair dyes and took them home.
Looking at Little Chick with big soulful eyes, I pleaded with her to stick the dye on my head and give me a mini make-over. She thankfully said she would so we sat in front of the TV and she coated my head in black goo.
I had chosen the Schwarzkopf Live Deep Black permanent dye as I have used the brand before and know that I get really great results from it.
By the time Little Chick had put the colour on, it had ‘proven’ and then I rinsed it off, a couple of hours had passed and it was getting late and I blasted my hair dry and went to bed.
Getting up the next morning, I had pretty much forgotten all about the hair until walking into the bathroom and completely scared myself as I passed by the mirror!
White face and big fuzzy hair stared back at me and I have to admit I had a bit of a panic. I looked beyond pale and pretty ghostly.
Now, this is the one thing that you have to know about dying your hair black. Unless you want to look like a ghost, goth or bride of Frankenstein, you need to put on a little bit of make-up every day.
It doesn’t have to be the whole hog; a little BB cream or light foundation and a lick of mascara.
So, how did the hair come out?
Well, I showered and rewashed it, gave it a bit of a straighten and went off to work.
Thankfully, the comments that I got were pretty complimentary and even the Boss noticed, although I am not sure if that was a good thing.
By the end of the week I had become used to the darker shade and had started leaving an extra 10 minutes to put on a light smattering of make-up before heading to the office.
One thing I hadn’t done was put my hair in rollers or used my Babyliss Curl Secret machine to give a vintage style.
The opportunity came on Saturday afternoon as I was heading to the local theatre with my bestie, Helen.
I washed and dried my hair and then sat in front of the TV to curl and pin my hair. I used the machine to form a curl and then pinned it with hair grips.
It took about an hour to get the whole of my hair curled, pinned and then sprayed with some Marcel spray. I left it to dry off whilst I did my make-up and then went upstairs to put on the final touches.
I genuinely didn’t know how my hair would come out as I have never curled, pinned and sprayed before, but I was surprised at just how well it had done.
The curls brushed out beautifully and I did a little backcombing of my fringe before clipping a fuchsia hair flower into the side. Giving a liberal spray with the Le Keux Victory spray, I was ready.
Off we went to the theatre and my hair miraculously stayed bouncy and in place for the whole night.
In fact, when I got home I threw it up in a scrunchie on the top of my head and went to sleep. Waking up the next morning, I pulled the scrunchie off, shook my hair out and if I am honest, it still looked pretty bloody good.
It is amazing what a curling machine and a bit of hairspray can do.
Well… till I grow bored again!
Till Next time,
SPSG xxx