If you are s regular visitor to my blog or Instagram, you may well have already noticed that there has been a bit of a lack of content from me over the last couple of weeks.
Usually I try and post a blog every three days however the fates and other issues have conspired against me, making it virtually impossible.
Don’t get me wrong; I have lots to say and adventures that still need writing about however there just has not been enough minutes in the day.
If you have followed me for a long time, you will know of my family issues with a genetic condition called Fragile X. This is where there is a fault in the X chromosome which leads to babies being born with a variety of issues, mainly neurodiverse problems.
My Mum has looked after a variety of siblings since she was 21 years old and she hit the ripe old age of 80 on the 26th October.
Unfortunately a few days after that was taken to hospital with pneumonia.
Thankfully she is now back home and recovering well, however it meant I stepped in and went to look after my extended family.
For nearly two weeks I worked full time, commuted further than normal, then went to the hospital, popped home for more clothes and then going back to my childhood home and looking after everyone; cooking, pill dispensing, beard trimming and all the associated things that you do in a household.
Its been a stressful two weeks in some cases; I feel like I have not stopped at all, rushing around trying to juggle all the balls successfully.
In a couple of cases, I have fumbled the ball, almost dropping it before recovering and carrying on.
Of course, I am talking about metaphorical balls.
The one ball that I dropped completely was my blog.
I had the photos for several different blogs but I just didn’t have the time it takes to write the words that go along with them and that affects more than just what gets posted.
It affects my mental health which then affects how effective I am.
Work has been tricky to do; worrying about my family, my mum and my extended family. Making sure everyone is safe, protected and looked after.
The down side to that is that I have forgotten to look after me!
And I think this is a problem faced by many carers.
You get so wrapped up doing everything you can for everyone else that things fall by the wayside; for me, mainly food.
Oh, and sleep!
Because my anxiety ridden ridiculous brain insists on forcing me to stay awake staring at the ceiling worrying about the most trivial things.
How many strings on a harp. How a hedgehog knows when to unroll again. How many seconds of sleep you can get in the 2.5 hours sleep you will get IF you fall asleep right now (before the alarm goes off)
Inevitably I fall asleep 10 minutes (600 seconds) before the damn alarm goes off and I need to get ready for work.
Are you one of those people?
The people who lie there telling yourself you NEED to get to sleep because you have to be up really early and the more that you try, the less you can fall asleep and end up getting angry with yourself.
Well, suffice to say my sleep has been very fragmented, a bit like my mind!
However, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
As I said, Mum is now home and is doing really well. But looking after the family for two weeks has shown me that you cannot pour from an empty vessel.
Taking time out, even for a 5 minute shower or to read a few pages of your current book will NOT stop the world from turning and things from happening.
However it will reset YOUR batteries, allowing you to face the next issue, next day, next job or even the next huge problem.
And for goodness sake, be kind to yourself!
Till next time,
SPSG xxx