This time of the year is difficult for so many people for so many reasons.
Loss of a loved one, personal illness, caring responsibilities, work, financial difficulties, breakdown of a relationship, mental ill health and so much more.

Merry Christmas
When things are difficult in your life, or are presenting a challenge that you simply do not know how to cope with, having festive adverts thrust in your face for around 12 weeks before the big day, do not make it any easier.
Those scenes of festive feasts, families laughing and showing love to one another can make even the strongest feel inadequate and lacking.
This year we have been extra challenged with the heating crisis and the cost of living worries. Food has gone up, with shortages of certain items and people are struggling.

Lady In Red
Many people myself included, knock themselves out trying to get everything organised, bought, wrapped and handed out to people. We brave the queues, the wet weather and the horrendous hustle and bustle, whether we feel up to it or not.
And, we sit wondering how we are going to pay for everything, how hard the winter bills are going to hit.
Amongst all that stress, worry and turmoil is the constant music, adverts and programmes that show the candy cane, over the top, sparkling season you only get in fairy tales.

Felliz Navidad
For many years I have worked myself silly, trying to get everything that everyone wants, to provide and make all the wishes come true, for my family and friends.
And it is both exhausting and a little frightening. Anxiety is something I live with daily and this also runs rampant over the festive season; for all the silliest of reasons.
Will my family and friends like their gifts? Will I have enough food and drink? Will the turkey be dry? Pretty much things out of my control, yet these things keep me up at night.

Mrs Claus
Literally for hours and hours.
In fact, I have had less that 3 hours sleep every night for the last 2 weeks. The more I try to sleep, the less likely it is of happening.
However, this year is going to be a very different affair in our house.

Ding, Dong!
Baby Bear has her own home now and is busy making her own traditions. Little Chick is spending time with her partner and family, and so the house is a little quieter and a little empty.
Of course, all things must change and I am so proud of both of them and all they have accomplished. They are making their way in the World and that’s all I could ever wish for.
If you read my blog regularly you will know all about my Mum, and her repeated trips to hospital recently. Since she was finally discharged she has been at home but struggling to cope.

Fur Baby
Therefore for the first time in 30 years, I will be back at my childhood home on Christmas Day.
Prawn Cocktail, Turkey with all the trimmings, Christmas pudding, cheese board, coffee and after eights are on the menu plus all the alcohol you could possibly want.
As for me, I will be on taxi duty which I absolutely don’t mind. It is nearly 3 years since I got sober and I am happier than I ever was.

I take a lot of pleasure in dropping off and collecting the girls and their friends from nights in or out. The cost of taxi’s can be extortionate and I hate the thought of them waiting in the dark and cold, trying to get a taxi alongside lots of others.
Now I can travel as far and wide as needed, which won’t be that far this weekend, as the whole family live relatively close to each other. The closest being 5 minutes and the furthest 30 minutes.
A complete bonus, for all involved.

Christmas Morning
Anyway, it is time to start stuffing that Turkey and peeling those spuds. So to all of your amazing readers, I wish you this….
A merry, stress free, happy and blessed Christmas whether working, spending time with family and friends or volunteering your time.
Try to remember that it isn’t the end of the world if the brussels are a bit hard, or the pudding over steamed. It is all just a silly little thing that can be overcome.

With my Baby Boy
Don’t put added pressure onto your shoulders at a time when it should be about enjoying yourself with the people around you.
Certainly it should be a time of celebration, joy, laughter and love. Not panicking over any lumps in the custard.
Go out there and have the best of times, the most joyous of times and see you in the New Year.

Christmas Day Eve
Till then,
SPSG xxx