That time of year is upon us again where we look at the previous 364 days and weigh up the good and the bad.
Many will look with positivity whilst others will look back at the year with hatred, dread and only negative thoughts. Resolutions will be made and potentially broken within hours, if not days.
As for me, I am pretty happy with my lot; I could be thinner, I could be healthier, I could be more successful, I could be….
Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda.

Lady In Red
In fact, I am in a relatively good place. My mental health has it’s up and down days; I can sob uncontrollably over absolutely nothing, or be happy and fun-filled as can be. On the whole though, I am stable and sane.
I am also sober.
This february will be 3 years since I last had an alcoholic drink. This is something I am exceedingly proud of given the level of drinking I had actually been imbibing daily.

Candy Canes
If you want to read my story of how I stopped being a functioning alcoholic, you can see it here
Of course, this has had a positive spin on my mental health and this is maybe why it has levelled out somewhat. As for the pain, well I will just gloss over that for now.
Christmas has been a lovely, if much quieter period than I am normally used to and I actually worked all of Twixtmas, instead of taking it off as annual leave.

Gingerbread Men
My theory is that I can use the days for other jaunts and adventures over the beginning of 2023. In fact, my first one is next week when I go to Geneva for the weekend with Boo.
Anyway, I digress.
Christmas was quiet and this New Year’s Eve will be too. Nibbles and buffet type food, a couple of cans of Dr Pepper, before a relatively early night as I am playing ‘it’s almost morning taxi ‘ for the girls after their fun, boozy and friend filled New Year celebration.

Festive Fetish Print
And I am more than happy to do so.
As for Christmas, I glad that it is over. Too many rich foods, extra pudding, not knowing what day of the week I am on, and the lack of structure to those days.
I like the idea of a New Year, a New Start. However I am not joining in any resolutions that involve self-improvement or thinking that I am not good enough now.

The truth is we evolve every single day. A new thought takes root, or we see ourselves in a different style and like the image in the mirror.
Self improvement happens with the smallest of gestures; letting someone go in front of you in the supermarket queue, counting to 10 when frustrated by that family member, instead of losing your temper, resisting buying that new dress when you have hundreds in the wardrobes.
My Auntie always used to say “Every day is a school day” and this sentence is very true. I love learning new facts and information.

Ravishing Reindeer
Whether it is what the Venturi effect is, or that every seahorse has a unique ‘fingerprint’ like humans, I don’t really mind. I find fascination in that learning process.
So that will probably be the only thing I will purposefully do in the New Year; not improvement because I am not good enough, but learning for the sheer enjoyment and hell of it.
As for now, I am going to drink my Dr Pepper, do a little bit of cross-stitch and be tucked up in bed around 10pm, to get a couple of hours sleep before I put on my cabbie’s garb and start driving.

Silver Lady
To all my friends, followers and readers, I wish you a peaceful, prosperous, healthy and successful 2023.
I will be back over the next few days, but for now, I hope you have enjoyed the photos showing some of my outfits over the Christmas period.
Keep your eyes peeled for some great looks and styles coming up over the next year.

Reindeer Magic
But for now,
Stay safe and Look after each other
SPSG xxx