Back at the end of July/beginning August, I travelled to Chicago to attend a dear friends wedding.
I meant to write a blog every day of my trip detailing all that went on whilst away but life has got in the way and time has just flown by and I cannot believe it is Christmas again!
One of the biggest issues was the fact that I took over 6000 photographs when I was away and editing them and choosing from them just became so time consuming and problematic.

The Immersive Experience
However, there are a few experiences that I really want to share including the Thursday I spent fulfilling two dreams of mine.

On My Way!
One involved Prince and the second, Drag Queens!

My Idol
As a lifelong fan of his Perfect Purpleness, I was exceedingly excited to find out that *THE* official Prince exhibition was being held in Chicago for approximately 6 months and would take place whilst I would be in the City.


When Doves…
Basically it is an interactive look at Prince’s life from his birth in Minneapolis right through to his eventual death in 2016 from an accidental Fentanyl overdose.

THE hat!
I was exceedingly excited to visit the exhibition, and it turned out that Boo had to work on the Thursday morning.

My Name is……
It was the perfect time to go and this was mentioned in passing to the lovely Bride, Shelly and she stated that she was a big Prince fan and would love to join me.

Around The World…
We booked two tickets to the show at 1200 and met just prior to the start.

…In a Day
Heading into the reception area, we were directed along a snaking line of barrier which had a Prince chronology on the walls to keep you entertained as you followed the line to get in.

Thankfully it wasn’t too busy as it had literally just opened which meant we could take our time reading, yet not having to queue for a long time.

Lots to Take In
We were then ushered into the beginning of the exhibition. Two wooden doors with stained glass panels.

Artist Formerly Known As…..
I immediately recognised it as the beginning of the ‘When Doves Cry’ video and got exceedingly excited. Shelly found it hilarious when I leaned over to her and whispered ‘OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, IT’S THE VIDEO!’

My whole body was vibrating with excitement and I literally couldn’t wait for those doors to open.

Amazing Artwork
When they did, I was faced with the famed roll top bath, full of bubbles, and the fresh flowers scattered on the floor in front of the tub.

Rock DJ
The cabinets and jewellery mimicked the video and we had the opportunity to look around and touch items.

In The Studio
There was a spot marked on the floor that if you kneeled there and took a photograph, it looked like you were actually sitting in the bathtub.

Heading to First Avenue
Given that my knee was decidedly dodgy, I decided to not kneel down, but stood behind it instead.

Avenue of Songs
Moving on, we went into an area filled with pictures, statistics and info about Prince, which I took many pictures of, so I could re-read it later on.

Wall of Stars
Then it was the turn of a music studio set up where you could put on earphones, play a track and reset the different levels of guitar, bass, piano and vocals. By switching them up and down you could influence the sound of the track.

Darling Nikki
It was good fun to do and we spent a little while trying all the options out.

Raspberry… ?
Moving through the exhibit, we were faced with memorabilia including guitars, clothing and props.

Cloud Guitar
The Diamonds and Pearls room was absolutely beautiful; the chairs, mirrors, strings of pearls and a gorgeous purple couch to recline on.

I loved the fact that there was a huge frame that you could pose behind, which of course I did.

…and Pearls
Then we came across the Pièce de Résistance…

Strike a Pose!
The Purple Rain Motorbike.

Living My Best Life!
AND you could climb aboard and take photographs on it.

Purple Princess
Well, I was not going to miss out on that opportunity even if it crippled me.

I Saw the Sign
Shelly and I took turns on the bike before allowing others to have their turn. It was gorgeous and sparkling and I was so glad that I had worn my purple dress to compliment it.

Marvellous Memorabilia
One of the really cool things was the nightclub which had a live DJ playing some of the best tunes. Shelly and I had a bit of a dance and when Purple Rain came on, so did the light on my telephone which I used to sway in time.

Purrrrple Raaaaaain
The tour ended up in the merchandise area which was brilliant. I was torn between a flower bedecked umbrella or a cloud covered hoodie a la ‘Around the World in a Day’

Floral Fantastic
The hoodie won and I headed to the till to pay.

Thank YOU for a Funky Time!
I finished the tour by taking a few more photographs of the surrounding displays and Shelly and I left in an Uber to meet up with Jules and Boo for lunch.

What A View!
This was at their private club and we had to be signed in on the ground floor, before heading up a dozen or more stories to meet Jules.

Deli Style Sandwich
I have to admit, the view was absolutely beautiful and I took a few pictures before sitting and ordering a fabulous lunch. Boo and I wanted to treat the married couple to lunch, for all they had done for us over the trip.

Boo and Mrs B
Eating, drinking and laughing, it was again a brilliant interlude to a busy holiday.

Stunning Shoreline
On the way out, Jules pointed to a photobooth.

Photobooth Fun
Well, Boo and I tried to squeeze in and get some pictures.

Playing Silly Sods
Several reshoots later and tears of laughter running down our face, we finally got a set of photos that were fun, if not perfect as we kept missing the flash and chose what we thought would be the best picture, only to have a whole plethora of different shots print out.
These even included the ones where you couldn’t see Boo’s face!
We left the happy couple and mooched about doing a little shopping before heading back to the hotel for a little nap.
Now, I have done the Prince and Photo-booths, What is the prancing all about?

Well, Thursday night was Drag Show night!

Tickets had been booked to one of the highest rated drag clubs in Chicago; Lips. This involved dinner and the show and we were very excited to see it.

Fantastic Set
For Boo, this is not a new thing as she has seen many shows including stars of the famous Ru-Pauls drag race. However it would be my first Drag show AND something to tick off on my ’50 before 50 list’.

The club was a little way from our hotel so we got ready and headed into a cab to get there. On arrival we were shown into a fabulous ballroom with huge swagged curtains and a sparkly stage area.

Bottoms Up!
Most of the tables were in long lines with huge groups on them, but Boo and I were on a table for two situated at the side of the stage.

Dinner was a tasty, yet simple affair. There were several options for each course and I opted for Caesar Salad for starter, Cheeseburger and fries and finishing off with a lovely cheesecake.

Very Tasty
The show, well that wasn’t quite so simple.

In fact it was big and brilliant, sexy and sparkly and very much a fantastic affair!

The ladies were stunning; statuesque, flexible, super-talented and absolutely BEEAAAUTIFUUUUL.

So Elegant
I threw my dollar bills at them with abandon as they lip-synced their way around the stage and crowd, dancing better than Beyonce and performing gymnastics that Simone Biles would be proud of.

Watching the performances, I got completely lost in their art and talents and was sad when the show came to an end. The ladies took their encore and I whooped and cheered along with the packed room.

Absolutely Gorgeous
The whole day had been one of exploration, adventure, joy and sheer happiness and I got to share it with some of the best people ever.

Beyonce Babe
You can’t ask for better than that!
Till Next Time,
SPSG xxx