Nudity and Mental Health Discussions.
As many of you know, I am living life the best that I can, having adventures galore and trying to complete 50 things before I reach the age of 50.
I have 11 months left and quite a few left to tick off my list.
From when I first wrote the list, I have had to change a couple of the adventures due to the damage caused to my knee over 5 years ago.
Abseiling down the side of a high building isn’t something that I feasibly can accomplish any more so I have had to reassess and come up with some new ideas.

Getting Ready
One of those was to take part in a Life Drawing class.
To be honest, I assumed this would be as a wannabe artist, however, I hadn’t looked into the possibility and like a lot of the unfinished items on my list, I have been too busy to even consider what is left to achieve.
It was then quite fortuitous, if not peculiar, that I managed to find myself posing naked for a group of lady artists a little while back.
The tale begins when I visited a local out of town shopping area that was having a special dog event on. In fact, I hadn’t known about the event and had turned up off the cuff, needing to get some items for my Mum’s funeral.

Pin Curls
Whilst having a look at the pet related stalls, I came across a lady called Sally Hunt who is a portrait artist that specialises in Dogs.
Well as you know, I absolutely idolise my baby boy, Theodore.
Of course we got talking about her art and the process and I decided that I would like to commission a piece from Sally, which could then be put onto a mug or other items.
Perfect Christmas presents!

Needing a Brush Out
During the process of getting this sorted, I gave her a business card which is now around 8 years old. Sally commented on the vintage image on the front and I explained about my blog and how I had modelled for companies and had photoshoots galore.
Sally mentioned that she held art classes locally and was always looking for models.
I asked if she meant life modelling (nude or implied) and she said that she was looking for both clothed models and also life models.

The Class Room
Well, now was my opportunity. I offered my services for either or both option.
In for a penny, in for a pound, as the old saying goes.

On The Way!
Sally was quite excited and said that she had a class that Saturday but there wasn’t the required numbers yet. I told her I was free and to see what she could do and if she needed me, I would be ready.
A couple of days later I got a message that the class could go ahead and so I got some bits together that I thought would make good props for the artists.
Saturday arrived and that was when the nerves started kicking in.

Hiding Behind My Cape
Was I really going to get naked in front of a bunch of strangers?
Bloody hell, what was I thinking?
Now, the only thing I can think of is that the kind of depression I suffer with means that I am liable to make snap decisions or put myself forward for things that normally I wouldn’t entertain.
An exaggerated sense of well-being and self-confidence means I don’t worry about the things I normally would and this also makes meĀ feel very high-spirited, energetic, and creative.

A Little Flesh On Show
The recent loss of my Mum had affected my mental health severely and so I was in a place that meant my filters were not on the afternoon I met Sally.
Oh well, it was too late to let the nerves kick in. I drove over to a lovely little coffee shop called Happy Mondays where the class was being held in a private room. The information Sally had given me was that there would be an initial period of sketching, then a set of quick 4 minutes sketches before going back into the coffee shop for food.
After everyone had eaten, there would be another hour of sketching before calling it a night.
Sounded lovely.

The Hooded Claw!
Apart from the fact I needed to get my kit off.
Sally and I spoke about posing and how I would need to keep the same pose for a length of time so it was best to choose something comfortable.
I started off sitting on a chair that was covered with a white sheet. At this point, I had a burgundy velvet cape wrapped around me, hiding my nakedness.
Then the lady artists started to arrive.

Frightened out of my skin!
As a friend is keen on saying “Shit just got real”. I now had to provide the goods, as it was.
There were 7 or 8 ladies who varied in experience and abilities. Sally organised their places so that she knew who might need more advice or help and dished out pencils and charcoals to those who wanted to try something specific.
I had chosen my pose, which was a simple sitting down, feet pointed, hands on my thighs. Now was the time to thrown the cape back and let the ladies have it.

Fast Asleep…
I bit the bullet and threw that cape back over my shoulders, showing my pale skin; ripples, creases, lumps and rolls.
The thing I was dreading most was showing my huge sagging pendulous breasts. This was my biggest personal issue as they sit on my tummy like two great rocks.
But there were no gasps of shock or disgust and I felt a little more comfortable.

Smiling yet Scared Rigid
All I could hear was the noise of pencils scribbling.
I relaxed even more and as I had to keep my pose for around 30 minutes, I focused on a point in the wall and started to think of the four poses I could strike for the quick 4 minute sketches.
Before I knew it the time had passed and it felt like a blink of an eye.
I thought of my first 4 minute sketch pose and reclined back on the chair.
Straddling the chair with my back to the artists.
Two down.
Standing with my right leg up on the chair.
Almost there.
Sitting bending forward with my hands on my walking stick.
It was now time to eat so everyone went downstairs where a light Mediterranean style meal awaited us.

Dinner Time
The colour and aroma was so fresh and bright; skewers made of vegetables and continental meats awaited, alongside a salad of fresh leaves, parmesan and a dressing.
Sharing plates of mozzarella and sliced tomatoes were dotted along the table for everyone to enjoy.

Delicious Dessert
It was lovely chatting with the lady artists about their experiences, abilities and how long they have been drawing for. We were able to speak for around 45 minutes before it was time to head back up to the art room.
This time there would be about 45 minutes of sketching so I needed to be comfortable. Sally suggested laying down on some beanbags however they felt very unstable with my knee and wobbly flesh.

More Drawings
I chose to lie on the sheet on the floor with my head on the beanbag, in a position I would normally take when sleeping.
Closing my eyes, I got as comfortable as I could…
And fell asleep!

Other Impressions
Around 50 minutes later, Sally came and woke me up to say the class was over and I could get up and dressed. Well, that went really quickly and I couldn’t believe I was so relaxed that I had literally slept the session away.
We spent around 10 or 15 minutes sharing artwork and looking at what had been created.

One of the Wonderful Artists
I was able to take some photographs of some of their amazing art work and I have to say I was stunned by what I saw.
Soft, squishy shapes, relaxed and playful, lying down and standing proud. All of them amazing in their own way.

Side View
What was a petrifying, daunting experience had become a powerful, enriching, freeing time.
I felt absolutely alive.

Final Portrait
And you know what?
I would love to do it all again!
Till next time,
SPSG xxx