I have spoken of my love for Irregular Choice shoes before.
My first pair was a glittery green Ban-Joe for an under the sea ball around nine years ago. Whilst I loved the look of the shoes, they were the most uncomfortable shoe I think I have ever worn.

More for the Collection
Whether it was the size or the thick layer of glitter, it seemed like I was wearing an inflexible block of concrete on my feet and if I wore them for longer than 5 minutes I would be in complete agony.
One of the issues is my stupid size 4 1/2 feet.
The size 4’s pinch and the size 5’s slop off the back of my feet.
I remember being in Carnaby Street with my purse filled with crisp £10 notes ready to purchase my first pair of
Irregular Choice shoes, and I must have tried the two different sizes for around 30 minutes before settling on the size 4’s.

Pretty Plain from the Front…
Big mistake!
In hindsight, I should have gone with a 5 and put in some heel grips/insoles.
Fast forward a few years and I had another attempt at IC shoes, this time in size 5’s.
Red glitter, pink and black plus a Reindeer pair all fit the bill, however there was that gap at the back without any heel grips. The comfort level was highly improved and I didn’t feel that tight inflexible pain when wearing them.
Since then, my collection has grown even more.

Ursula RULES!
A couple of months ago I was due to be attending a performance of the amazing ‘Unfortunate’ musical which is the untold story of Ursula the Sea Witch.
I remember seeing some IC shoes with Ursula on so went searching on the internet.
On good old eBay, I came across the most amazing Ursula shoes; Elegant Evil in size 4.
Given my previous problems, did I dare give it a go?

Sensational Sea Witch
Well, I weighed up the options and decided that I would give it a chance due to several things. Firstly they were open-toed sandals, which gave a bit of ‘space’ and secondly, I would be in my wheelchair so I didn’t need to worry about walking or standing in them.
I snapped them up with the idea of my outfit being purple, Ursula themed and fantastic.
Given the response on the night, it seemed that I ‘Understood the Brief’ as one lady told me.

Off to Unfortunate!
Now as plans change, and I didn’t have my wheelchair, I have to admit the height of the platform and the heel were a little bit much for me to handle. Oh, I managed it with style, however they were not the most comfortable to walk short distances in because of my knackered knee.
The shoes themselves were absolutely fine and in fact were pretty damn comfortable.
Practicality tells me though that I need to be a bit more sensible when it comes to what I put on my feet, given that I am going to see the musical again in a couple of months.

Sea Siren and Sea Witch
As the performance is at a theatre I do not know, I am unsure if I can take my wheelchair. This means that I may need to walk a distance and I don’t want to put more pressure on my knee by wearing the Ursula platforms.
That was when I saw another IC pair which promised to be more practical whilst still being fabulous!

How Fab?
The Sea Dreams shoes were a size 5 and feature a rounded chunky low heel. The body of the shoe is covered in reversible sequins meaning you can have purple or hot pink sections. One shoe features Ariel and Flounder, the other shoe shows Ursula and one of her sidekicks; Flotsam or Jetsam.
I absolutely loved the look of these shoes and knew they would make more sense for someone with my dodgy mobility than the huge platforms.

Chunky Heels
Whilst I am not sure what I will be doing with the Elegant Evil shoes, I decided to get these shoes for my next theatre visit.
As many people know, the Irregular Choice shoes have patterned soles which are highly prized. The rarer designs can fetch hundreds and hundreds of pounds, in fact.

Flotsam….. OR Jetsam?
Currently there are a brand new pair of Elegant Evil shoes on eBay at the price of £244 a pair.
Now, mine have a few scratched on the soles due to the small amount of walking I did, however they are far from ruined. I know they won’t get anywhere near that price however I should still be able to break even.

Fab Flounder
You can get sole protectors to put on the bottom of the shoes and I may well do that with Sea Dreams. After all, I can imagine there would be quite a market for them in time to come and of course any damage will affect the price paid.
At the beginning of this post I mentioned expanding my collection a little. These next pair may not be Disney, but I needed to share them.

Divine yet Deadly
Well, whilst I was looking for my Little Mermaid shoes, I came across another pair of IC shoes which fit me right down to the ground.
Many of my readers will know of my love for Macarons.
I travel to London regularly and make it a part of any of my visits to pop to Laduree who sell the best macarons that you can buy.

Macaron Madness
So when I saw a pair of shoes with macaron pattern and a macaron and sweet treat heel, I just could not resist. In fact, I couldn’t buy them quick enough.
Of course, the heels are too high for me to walk in but perfect again for sitting in my wheelchair.

Sweet As Candy
These were a real bargain at less than £25 so I snapped them up to wear with a lovely black dress that I have. My thought process is the plain black dress, minimal jewellery and knock-em dead shoes.
Sounds like a complete plan to me, and if the shoes make me smile, then they probably would others.

Look At Those Heels
I can’t say that my IC shoe bug has been fulfilled yet, and there may be a few more added to my collection.
Who knows?

Till next time,
SPSG xxx